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单词 拼死拼活

拼死拼活pīn sǐ pīn huó

do one’s utmost; hell bent; sweat one’s guts out; tooth and nail; work oneself to death (/to the bone); work one’s tail off
❍ 挨打受骂,……~干到月底,落得三块工钱。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》23) I was worked to death,bullied and beaten,and all I earned was three dollars a month.
❍ 我和嵩伢子~再往坡上多甩几把汗水。穷人没得地,力气就是粮呵。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》3) My boy Song and I will work ourselves to the bone and really sweat over our patch on the slope. The poor can’t be without land. Grain is strength.

拼死拼活pīn sǐ pīn huó

形容为了达到自己的目的,不顾一切地吵闹。work oneself to death, do one’s utmost, sweat one’s guts out





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