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❶ (合在一起; 连合) put toge ̄ ther; piece together: 把两块木板 ~ 起来 put two boards together side by side; 她设法把两块 ~ 在一起。 She tried to join the two pieces together.
❷ (不顾一切地干; 豁出去) be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.); go all out in work: 不畏强手,敢打敢 ~ not fear a strong opponent but dare to stand up to him; ~ 到底 fight to the bitter end; ~ 死 ~ 活地干 work flat out; work with all one's might; 我跟你 ~ 了。I'll fight it out with you.
❸ (拼写) spell: 你把这个词 ~ 错了。 You have spelt this word wrong. 注意把每个词 ~ 正确。 Take care to spell every word right.
◆拼板玩具[游戏] jigsaw puzzle; 拼版 {刷} makeup; 拼搏 go all out in work; combat (with; against); 拼布块 pane; 拼成 piece; 拼刺 bayonet drill; bayonet practice; bayonet charge; fight with bayonets; 拼凑 scrape together; piece together; knock together; rig up;
拼法 spelling; 拼缝 piece; 拼合 piece (together); splice; [英方] piecen; cohere; 拼花板 match board; panel board; 拼花地板 block floor; 拼接 {摄} montage; split joint; 拼老命 risk one's old bones; do one's best in spite of one's age; 拼料 ingredient; 拼命 risk one's life; defy death; put up a desperate fight; do sth. desperately; exerting the utmost strength; for all one is worth; with all one's might; desperately; 拼命三郎 workaholic; 拼盘 made dish; assorted cold dishes; hors d'oeuvres; 拼杀 grapple; 拼死 risk one's life; defy death; fight desperately; 拼贴画 collage picture; pasteup; 拼写 spell; transliterate; 拼音 phonetic transcription; combine sounds into syllables; 拼争 struggle for





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