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单词 average
average/′ævərɪdʒ/ n [-s/ ɪz/];adj [无comp];v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)平均数(amount found by adding together a group of quantities and then dividing the total by the number of items)[C]:The~of 5,6 and 7 is 6.5,6和7的平均值为6。An~of five boys are absent each day.每天平均有五个男孩缺席。graduate with a B~以平均成绩B毕业;〖同〗medium;〖反〗maximum;minimum;

(2)平均标准,一般水平(standard or level regarded as usual or ordinary)[U]:be (well)above/(well)below/up to~in one's lessons功课(足足)超过/(大大)低于/达到一般水平;come close to~in one's lessons 功课接近一般水平;The crops this year is 10 percent above the~.今年的庄稼收成高于通常产量的10%。50 working hours a week is about the~.每周工作50小时是平平常常的。His mind is about the~.他的智力一般。

on (the/an) average 平均:On(the)~each of the horses runs in 10 races a year.这些马平均每匹每年参加比赛10次。

adj(1)平均的(found by working out the average)[作attrib]:the~price/temperature/speed/rainfall 平均价/温度/速度/降雨量;The country has an~population density of 110 persons per square mile.这个国家的平均人口密度为每平方英里110人。The~age of the students is 21.6 years.这些学生的平均年龄为21.6岁。His~income is 50 pounds a week.他的平均收入为每周50英镑。〖同〗 mean,medium;〖反〗maximum,minimum;

(2)一般水平的,平常的(of the ordinary of usual standard;neither specially goodetc nor specially badetc):be of~intelligence/height 具有一般智力/高度;an~student/movie/piece of work 一般的学生/电影/活儿;a sheet of paper of~thickness 一张一般厚度的纸;above~inflation 高于一般的物价上涨率;Her work is above~.她的工作比一般的强。There was nothing special about it.It was only~.这没有什么特别之处,仅仅是平平常常而已。〖同〗typical,ordinary,common,normal,usual,moderate;〖反〗unusual,uncommon,special,remarkable;

v(1)求平均数(find or calculate the average of a set of numbers)[IT+n]:If you~5,6 and 7,you get 6. 5,6和7的平均数为6。do some~ing 作一些平均计算;

(2)平均为(达到)(become to(a certain number or amount on average))[T+n,无pass]:His income/Her wages/The cost of living~d £1000 a month.他的收入/她的工资/生活费平均为每月1000英镑。The rainfall~d 10 inches in August.8月的降雨量平均为10英寸。The temperature~d 21℃.温度平均为摄氏21度。Price increases~d about 11%.物价上涨率平均为11%左右。Wheat~s 60 pounds to a bushel.麦子每浦式耳平均60英镑。Cars~45 miles to the gallon.汽车每加仑油平均可行驶45英里。~8 hours work/30 miles a day 平均每天工作八小时/走30英里;

average out (at sth)(v adv)1)平均为(vi):Her car's petrol consumption~d out at 2 gallons a day .她的汽车耗油量平均为每天两加仑。2)算出平均数(vt):~out one's expenses at £10 per day/sb's profit at £5000 a year 算出每天的平均花费为10英镑/某人每年的平均利润为5000英镑





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