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单词 招摇撞骗

招摇撞骗zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn

bluff and deceive;dupe the people and sell one’s shoddy wares;fleece and swindle people; hoodwink and beguile people;gull,hoax and bamboozle
❍ 他们的政策是一手拿着核武器,一手拿着所谓和平、安全的宣言和条约,~,强加于人。(周恩来《在欢迎法国总统蓬皮杜宴会上的讲话》)Their policy in one of holding nuclear weapons in one hand and declarations or treaties of what they call peace and security in the other,so as to bluff and deceive and impose their will on others
❍ 只是奴才们在外头~,闹出事来,我就耽不起。(《红楼梦》1363) But if those slaves of mine fleeced and swindled people,and trouble comes of it,I shall be done for!/其一,是一个青年,冒充了军官,向各处~,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—149) One concerned a young man who passed himself off as an army officer to go about cheating people;…


swindle and bluff;go about cheating people;browbeat and swindle

招摇撞骗zhāo yáo zhuànɡ piàn

假借名义,炫耀自己,在社会上到处寻机骗人。swindle and bluff, engage in demagogy, swindle, bluff and deceive





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