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单词 broadcast
释义 broadcast /'bro: dka: st US: -kaest; 'brod.kaest/ vt, vi I pt, pp broadcast or ~ed) 1 [VP6A] send out in all directions, esp by radio or TV: 广播; (尤指经由无线电或电视) 播送: ~ the news/a speech/a concert. 广播 (或播放) 新闻 (演说,音乐演奏) 。 2 [VP2A] speak, sing, perform music, etc for ~ing: 发表广播 (或电视) 演说; 广播演唱 (或演奏等); 作电视演唱 (或演奏等): The Prime Minister will ~ this evening. 首相将于今晚发表广播 (或作电视) 演说。 3 [VP6A, 2A] sow (seed) by scattering it, not by sowing it in drills, etc. 撒播 (种子) 。 n (often attrib) ~ing; sth ~: (常作形容用法)广播; 播送; 广播的内 today's ~; 今天的广播节 11; a ~ of a football match. 足球比赛之广播。以 telecast. adv by ~ing: 用撒播的方式: sow seed 撒种。 ~ing n, adj: the British B~ing Corporation, the BBC ; 英国广播公司; a ' ~ing station. 广播盘台。




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