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单词 broad
释义 broad1 /brad; brod/ adj (-er, -est) 1 wide, large across: 宽的; 濶的: The river grows ~er as it nears the sea. 河在愈接近海处愈宽。 ~ in the beam. cbeam (2). 2 (after a phrase indicating width) in breadth, from side to side: (用于指宽度的片语之后) 宽: river fifty feet 一条五十呎宽的河。 3 extending in various or all directions: 宽濶的; 广大的; 辽润的: the ~ ocean; 无际的海洋; ~ lands. 辽濶的陆地。 4 full and complete. 充足的; 完全的。 in ~ daylight, when it is unmistakably light: 光天化日之下; 大白天里: a bank raid in ~ daylight. 光天化日之下的银行抢劫。 give sb a ~ hint, a strong, unmistakable one. 给某人明显的暗示。 5 general, not minute or detailed: 槪略的; 粗略的; 大槪的: a ~ distinction. 大槪的区别。 in ~ outline, without details. 槪略厂; 血枝大叶的。 6 (of the mind and ideas) liberal; not kept within narrow limits: (指心理及思想) 胸襟开濶的; 寛宏大量的; 气量大的: a man of ~ views, a tolerant man. 对事宽大为怀的人。 ,→'minded /-'maindid; -'maindid/ adj willing to listen sympathetically to the views of others even though one cannot agree with them; having a liberal and tolerant mind. 思想开明的; 胸襟开濶的; 气量寛宏的。 7 (of speech) strongly marked, showing that the speaker is from a definite part of the country: (指言语) 方音重的: ~ Scots; 方音很重的苏格兰人; ~ accent. 方音很重的口音。 8 improper; coarse: 不适当的; 粗鄙的: the ~ humour of Rabelais. 拉伯雷之粗鄙的幽默。 9 (phrase) (片语) It's as ~ as it is long. It's all the same, however you view the problem. 横竖都一样; 怎么看那问题全都一样。 10 (compounds, etc) (复合字等) ~ bean n the common flattened variety, growing in large pods. JR 豆。 B~ Church n used of churchmen who do not insist upon dogma and doctrine. 不坚持敎条的敎派; 广敎会派。 ~ly adv 1 in a wide way. 广阔地; 广矢地。 2 in a general way: 概略地; 大梅地:~。 speaking, speaking in a general way, without going into detail. 总而言之; 槪括地说。 ness n - breadth (the usu word)., (breadth 食常用) ~en /'bracdn; 'brodn/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2A, C] ~ en (out), make or become ~ (er): 使寛; 变宽; 放宽; 拓寛: His face ~ ened (out) into a grin. 他咧嘴而笑。




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