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单词 拔刀相助

拔刀相助bá dāo xiāng zhù

draw one’s sword to avenge the injured; draw one’s sword to uphold the right; offer one’s assistance with drawn sword
❍ 只是一生性气不好,惯会路见不平,~,……(《儒林外史》157)But I am unlucky in my temperament,for whenever I see injustice done I must draw my sword to avenge the injured.
❍ 所以即使路见不平,不能~,也还不失其为一个老牌的正人君子。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·马上支日记》117) So if you come across injustice but do not draw your sword to uphold the right,you can still be a true gentleman of the old school.
❍ 真君大喜道: “天使请回,吾当就去~也。” (《西游记》73) In great delight the Immortal Master said,“Let the messenger of Heaven go back. I will go at once to offer my assistance with drawn sword.”

拔刀相助bá dāo xiānɡ zhù

帮助受欺侮的人。draw a sword and render help,take up the cudgels against an injustice





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