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❶ (抵抗;抵挡) resist;repel: ~ 敌 resist the enemy;keep the enemy at bay
❷ (拒绝) refuse;reject: ~ 不接受 refuse to accept;
来者不 ~ refuse nobody;refuse nobody's request or offer
◆拒保 declinature;
拒捕 resist arrest;resisting arrest;
拒不服从 refuse to obey;disobey;
拒不服输 refuse to admit defeat;
拒不服罪 plead not guilty;
拒不交代 refuse to give an accounting;refuse to own up;
拒不收纳 refuse to take;
拒不执行 refuse to implement;
拒斥 rejection;rejecting;
拒而不纳 refuse to receive;
拒腐蚀 repel the corrupting influence;ward off the corrosive influence;
拒付 dishonour;protest;repudiate;refuse payment;no payment;N/P;non-payment;repudiation;
拒谏饰非 reject [refuse] representations and gloss over errors;reject good advice and gloss over faults;
拒绝 refuse;reject;turn down;decline;in one's refusal to do;give sb. a flat refusal;repel;pass up;
拒绝往来 sever communication [intercourse;relation];拒狼防虎 guard against a tiger while repelling the wolf;
拒赔 claims rejected;repudiation of claims;
拒人于千里之外 keep sb. a thousand li away;keep at arm's length;keep a good distance from sb.;put sb. beyond the pale;unapproa ̄chable;
拒食剂 anti-feedant;
拒食症 sitieirgia;
拒收 rejection;dishonour;
拒之门外 shut [slam] the door upon [in] sb.'s face;close [shut] the door on [upon;against] sb.

~保decline insurance/~不到庭refuse to appear in court /~不坦白refuse to confess one’s crimes/~付refuse payment;dishonor a check; refusal to pay/~赔reject a claim;claims rejected/~人于千里之外keep a good distance from other people;arrogant and unapproachable/~载refuse to take passengers





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