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单词 bring
释义 bring /bni); bnij/ vt (pt, pp brought) /brat; brat/ (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, 6 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用之各种用法,参看下列第 6 义。) 1 O take [VP6A, 15B, 13A, B, 12A, B, C, 14] ~ (with), come carrying sth or accompany ing sb: 拿来; 取来; 带来 (人或物): Take this empty box away and me a full one. 把这个空食子拿走,给我拿个讲的来。 The soldiers came back ~ing ten prisoners (with them). 士兵们带着十个俘虏回来了。 B~ Mary to the party with you. 带玛莉一道来参加宴会。 B~ one for me. 拿一个给我。 B~ me one. 给我拿一个来。 2 [VP6A, 19B, 12C, 14] cause to come; produce: 使来; 带来; 引起; 产生: Spring ~s warm weather and flowers. 春天带来暖和的天气和百花。 The sad news brought tears to her eyes. LKE 她不禁流泪。 His writings ~ him £5000 a year. 他的著作每年可使他获得五千锁。 A phone call brought him hurrying to Leeds. 一通电话使他匆忙赶赴里玆。 3 [VP17] ~ sb/oneseff to do sth. persuade, induce, lead: 说服; 引诱; 引导: T 龙 e could not ~ themselves to believe the news. 他曲对这消息觉得难以置信。 She couldn't ~ herself to speak about the matter. 她鼓不起勇气来谈这事。 I wish I could ~ you to see the situation from my point of view. 我真希望能使你从我的丛点来看这情势。 4 [VP14] ~ against, (legal) start, put forward: 1法律)提起(诉讼): ~ an action/charge/an accusation against sb. 提起诉讼控舍某人 5 (phrases) (片语) ~ sb to book, cbook1 (6); ~ sth to an end, cause it to end; 使某事结束; 了结某事; ~ sth home to sb, chome2 (2); ~ low, reduce to a low condition; 使(健康情况、财富或地位等)低落; 降低; 贬抑; ~ sth to light, cause it to be visible or known; 使某事物可看得见; 发现; 发掘; 公布; ~ sth to mind:忆起某事; ~ sth to pass. cpass,(3); ~ sth into line/play, line (11), play1 (8); ~ sb to his senses, 3 sense(2). 6 [VP15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用之特殊用法): bring about, a cause to happen: 引起; 导致; 致使: ~ about a war/reforms/sb's ruin 引起战争(导致改革; 致使某人破产)。 b (naut) cause (a sailingship) to change direction: (航海)使(帆船)改向 helmsman brought us about. 鸵手使船改向。 bring back, a return: 归还: Please ~ back the book tomorrow; 请于明天落书归还; (with indirect ecf): (与间接宾语连用): If you're going to the market, please ~ me back ten eggs. 如果你要上市场,请给我带十个蛋回来。 b call to mind; cause to remember: 使记起; 使回忆: Your newsy letter brought back many memories. 你那封带来许多消息的信唤起了许多回忆。 c restore; reintroduce: 使恢复; 再也入: How many MP's favour ~ing back capital punishment? 有多少国会议员赞成恢复死刑? ~ sb back to, restore to: 复归; 使恢复: Her stay among the mountains brought her back to health. 她在山里暂住使她恢复了健康。 bring sb/sth down, a cause to fall; cause to be down: 使落下; 使跌下; 使倒下: ~down a hostile aircraft, shoot it down; A 落一架敌机; ~ down prices, lower them; 削价; 减价; ~ down (— overthrow) a tyrant. 打倒暴盲。 b continue (records, etc) up to: 使(记扣延续到…: a new history of Europe, brought down to modern times, ie made up to date. 一直写到现代的一部新的欧洲史。 c kill or wound: 打死; 打伤; 打倒: He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope. 他瞄准,射 # ,打倒了那只羚羊。 d (football) cause (an opponent) to fall by fouling; (Rugby) tackle. (足球)犯规撞倒(对方); (橄榄球)擒抱。 e (arith) transfer a digit from one part of a sum (from one column) to another: (算术)进位; 退位: ~ down the next two figures. 蒋下两位数字进位。 ~ the 'house down/ ~ down the house, chouse(6). ~ down sb's wrath/ fury on one's head, cause it to be aimed at oneself. 使某人的怒气发到自己头上来。 bring sth forht, produce (fruit); give birth to (young ones): 结(果); 生产(幼儿): What will the future ~ forth? 将来结果怎样? bring sth forward, a cause to be seen, discussed, etc: 提出(让人看见或讨论等) Can you ~ forward (= produce) any proof of what you say? 关于你所说的,你能提出证据吗? Please ~ the matter forward at the next meeting. 请将此一问题在下次会议提出讨论。 b advance: 提前: The meeting has been brought forward from May 10 to May 3, is to be S week earlier. 会期已自五月十日提前至五月三日。 → postpone, c (abbr 略作 b/f) (book-keeping) carry the total of a column of figures at the foot of one page to the top of the next page. (薄记)承前(将页底一列数字之总和转至下一页之页顶)。 bring sth/sb in, a yield; (of capital, investments, etc) produce as profit: 产生; (指未金,投资等)生(息); 获(利): His orchards ~ (him) in £200 a year. 他的果园每年获利二百镑。 He does odd jobs that ~ him in ten to twelve pounds a week. 他做零工每周可赚十镑至十二镑。 This investment ~ (me) in 7) per cent. 此项投资(使我) 可获百分之七点五的盈利。 b introduce: 介绍; 引进 ~ in a new fashion/a new topic. 引进新式样(提出新话题)。 e introduce (legislation): 提出(立法): ~ in a Bill on road safety. 提出道路安全法案。 d admit (as a partner, adviser, etc): 延聘(为伙伴, 顾问等 ).They've brought in experts to advise on the scheme. 他们已延聘専家对该计划提供意见。 (E (of the police) arrest; ~ to a police station for questioning, etc: (指警方)逮捕; 带到派出所问话: Two suspicious characters were brought in. 两个可疑人物被拘捕。 f (of a jury) pronounce (a verdict): (指陪审团)宣物): —in a verdict of guilty. 宣判有罪。 bring sth/sb off, a rescue (esp from a wrecked ship): 救助; 拯故(尤指遭遇船难者): The passengers and crew were brought off by the Deal lifeboat. 乘客及船员均经 Deal 救生艇救起。 b carry (an enterprise) to success; manage to do sth successfully: 经营成功; 将(某事)做得很成功; 终于达成任务: h was a difficult task but we brought it off, we succeeded. 那是一件困难的工作,但是我们终于达成任务。 bring sth/sb on. a lead to, (help to) produce: 引起; 导致讴成: He was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold. 他整天在外面淋雨,因此患了重感冒。 b cause to develop or advance: 使发展金进步: The fine weather is ~ing the crops on nicely. 好天气使农作物长得很好。 c help (a pupil, learner, etc) to develop: 帮助(学生、屡习者等)发展; 敎导; 新导: The coach is ~ing on some youngsters in the reserve team. 敎练正在指导预备队的孩子们练球。 bring sth/sb out, a cause to appear, show clearly: 使显现; 阐释; 说明: ~ out the meaning of a poem. 阐明一首诗南意参。 The sunshine will ~ out the apple blossom, cause it to open. 阳光将使苹果花开放。 b publish (a book, etc): 出版(书籍等): When are the publishers ~ing out his new book? 出版商何时出版他的新书? c help to lose shyness or reserve: 帮助消除害羞心理或沉默寡言的态度: She's a nice girl, but needs a lot of ~ing out. 她是一个好女孩,但是需要多多劝导以消除害羞的心理。 d call forth (a quality): 产生并使用(某一特质); 发挥: Danger ~s out the best in him. 危险使他发挥出最优的才能。 e cause to strike: 使罢工: The shopstewards brought out the foundrymen. 工会的工厂代表使舞造工人罢工。 bring sb over (to), (esp) convert (sb) (to a different way of thinking, to a cause, etc). 使(某人) 改变; (尤指)使改变思想方式、主义等。 bring sb/sth round, a cause (sb) to regain consciousness after fainting: 使恢复知觉; 使甦醒: Several girls fainted in the heat but they were soon brought round. 有几个女孩子在炎热中昏倒,术过很快就被救醒 T. b convert to one's views, etc: 使改变观点等: He wasn't keen on the plan, but we managed to ~ him round. 他本来对该计划疫有兴趣,但我们终于使他改变过来了。 c (naut) make a boat face the opposite way: (航海)使船对着相反的航向: B~ her (ie the boat) round into the Bind. 使船逆风而驶。 ~ sb/sth round to. direct (discussion, etc) to sth new: 把(讨论等)转到新的话题上: He brought- the conversation round to his favourite subject. 他把谈话转到他最喜欢的题目上。 bring sb through, save (sb who is ill): 挽救; 治愈(病人): He was very ill but good doctors and careful nursing brought him through, restored him to health. 他的病很重,不过优良的医生和悉心的看护挽救了他(使他恢复健康)。 bring sb/sth to. a = ~ round (a): 使复甦:『标 brought the girl to with smelling salts. 他们用成盐使那女孩甦醒过来。 They brought her to. 他们使她恢复知觉。 b (naut) (cause to) stop: (航海)(使)停止航行: The ship was brought to, eg by the firing of a gun across her bows. 那艘船被虫停航 (如开炮射过其船首) 。 The ship brought to, came to a stop. 那艘船停止航行。 bring sb/sth under, a subdue; discipline: 制服; 降服; 控制: The rebels were quickly brought under. 叛徒们很快都被制服了。 b include (within a category): 归纳; 纳入 (某一范畴): The various points to be dealt with can be brought under 'three main heads, 尙待处理的各点可以归纳为三大项目。 bring sb/sth up, a educate; rear: 敎育; 养育: She has brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩孕。 If children are badly brought up they behave badly. 如果孩子们的敎养不好, 他们的行为就不好。 b vomit: 呕吐: ~ up one's dinner. 吃的饭都吐出来了。 c call attention to: 使注意到; 引述: These are facts that can always be brought up against you, used as evidence against you. 这些事实永远可以被引述做为不利于你的证据。 These are matters that you can ~ up in committee. 这些问题你可在委员会中提出。 d (mil) summon to the front line: (军) 调至前 U: We need to ~ up more tanks. 我有需要调吏多的战车来前线。 e ~ for trial: 审讯: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. 他因酒醉驾车而受审。 f cause to stop suddenly: 使突然停止: His remarks brought me up short/sharp/ with a jerk. 他的话使我楞住了。 ~ up the rear, come last (in a line): 排在 (队伍的) 最后一个; 殿后: The cavalry brought up the rear of the column. 纵队的最后面是骑兵。 ~ up at, (old use, esp of a ship) end a journey: (旧用法,尤指船) 结束旅程; 抵达终点: The ship brought up at a port in Greece. 鼓船抵达希腊某港。




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