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单词 past
past2/pɑ:st, AmE pæst/ prep & adv

prep (1)(时间)过了……,在……以后 (afterbeyond in time):~the turn of the year 过年后;It is half~three. 3点半了。It was~midnight when he arrived. 他来时已过半夜。

(2)超过(某年龄) (older than (the specified age)):He is~(the age of) fifty. 他已年过50。 He lost a black mare aged three years~. 他丢失了一匹已过三岁的黑色母马。

(3)在过了(某处)的地方,在(某处的)那边 (beyond in position):the lake~the meadow 牧场那边的湖:He lives in the first house~the corner. 他住在拐过弯的第一座房子里。 The entrance to the dinner room is just~the elevator on your right. 走过你右侧的电梯就是饭厅的入口。

(4)超过……的限度(范围) (beyond the limit or scope):~belief/endurance/hope 无法置信/难以忍受/无望;His behaviour is~all explanation. 他的行为全然无法解释。

(5)超过……的年纪 (beyond the age of(sth or doing sth)):~playing with dolls 过了玩娃娃的年龄:~retirement age;过了退休的年龄;She is~working. 她已经干不了活儿啦。

(6)(指运动或方向)经过…… (up to and beyond):Crowds of people were running~our shop. 成群的人跑过我们的店铺。The passenger fell asleep and went~his station. 那位乘客睡着了,坐过了站。She ran/hurried~me. 她在我面前跑过去/匆匆而过。

past it 年龄过大而不能再做以前做的事,过旧而不适用(infml): You should start saving money for the time when you get~it. 你应该着手存钱,以备将来年老了不能工作时用。

adv过 (to and beyond a point near at hand; by): We had watched her~. 我们看她走过去了。He waved as he walked~. 他走过时招手致意。Every moment or so,the train clank~. 不时地有火车隆隆而过。





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