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单词 拈轻怕重

拈轻怕重niān qīng pà zhòng

prefer easy work to the hard;prefer the light to the heavy; pick up the easy jobs and shirk the hard ones
❍ 有的人~,把重担子推给人家,自己拣轻的挑。这就不是好的态度。(《毛泽东选集》1107) Some people prefer the light to the heavy; they pick the light and shove the heavy on to others. This is not a good attitude.

拈轻怕重nian qing pa zhong

prefer the light to the heavy—pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones

拈轻怕重niān qīnɡ pà zhònɡ

拈:用手指头拿东西。只拿轻东西,不敢挑重担。比喻害怕、畏惧困难,对工作缺乏责任感。pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones, prefer easy work to the hard, prefer the light loads to the heavy ones





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