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单词 拈花惹草

拈花惹草niān huā rě cǎo

have an affair with sb;dally with women;frequent houses of courtesans
❍ 二年前,他父亲给他娶了个媳妇,今年才二十岁,也有几分人材,又兼生性轻薄,最喜~。(《红楼梦》245)❶While he was young his parents had found him a wife who was now just about twenty,and whose good looks were the admiration of all. But she was a flighty creature who loved nothing better than to have affairs.
❷Two years previous to this date Droopy’s father had provided him with a wife. She was now just turned twenty,a fine,good-looking youg woman,always eager to throw herself at whatever partners opportunity might place in her way.

拈花惹草nian hua re cao

toy with flowers and grass—dally with women

拈花惹草niān huā rě cǎo

惹:招惹、挑逗。花、草:借指女子。形容挑逗玩弄女性。dally with women, have an affair with sb., enjoy oneself with other women





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