拈[撚]niān (用两三个手指头夹; 捏) pick up (with the thumb and one or two fingers): 从罐子里 ~ 出一块糖来 take a candy from the jar; 信手~ 来 pick up at random ◆拈花惹草 lust after flowers and grasses — to chase after loose women; dally with women; enjoy oneself with other women; frequent houses of courtesans; have many love affairs; have promiscuous relations with women; pick flowers by the wayside or to enjoy secret fruits; sow one's wild oats; 拈轻怕重 prefer the light to the heavy — pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones; prefer the light and shirk the heavy; prefer; 拈阄儿 draw lots; 拈线[丝] twisting |