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单词 passion
passion/′pæ ʃn/ n

(1) 1)强烈的感情(any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling)[UC]:He spoke with~.他做了热情洋溢的讲话。He's never put any~into his singing. 他的演唱从来不投入。I was in such a~that I hit him.我气坏了,打了他。〖同〗emotion,feeling,sentiment;〖反〗coldness,coolness,indifference; 2)盛(暴)怒 (angry state;rage)[Ua~]: be in a~在盛怒中;He flew/got into a~. 他勃然大怒。

(2)强烈的爱(尤性爱) (strongesp sexual love)[U][N(for)]:Our moral sense controls~. 我们的道德感抑制了情欲。He felt extraordinary~for that girl. 他对那个姑娘情有独钟。〖同〗lust, love;

(3) 1)酷(热)爱 (great enthusiasm for a certain activitysubjectetc)[Ua~][N(for)]:a~for music/Shakespeare/decorating houses 酷爱音乐/莎士比亚的作品/装饰房屋; 2)酷爱(热衷)的事物(object of such enthusiasm or devotion)[Ua~]:Golf/Classic music is his~. 高尔夫球/古典音乐是他最喜欢的东西。He set up a small laboratory and devoted every spare moment to the pursuit of his~. 他建立了一个小实验室,把所有的闲暇都用于从事他喜欢的研究。〖同〗craze,fancy,desire,craving,thirst;

(4)耶稣的受难和死亡 (the sufferings of Christ on the cross)[the P~]:P~Sunday/Week 受难主日(大斋期中的第五个星期日)/受难周(从受难主日到棕枝主日的一周);

→′passion-flower n 西番莲;′passion-fruit n 西番莲果实;′passion-play n 耶稣受难复活剧;passionate adj 热(多)情的;






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