担(擔)dān ❶ (用肩膀挑) carry on a shoulder pole:~ 水 carry water (with a shoulder pole and buckets) ❷ (担负;承当) take on;undertake:不怕 ~ 风险 ready to face any danger;not be afraid of running risks; 为别人 ~ 责任 undertake the responsibility for another; 咱们把任务 ~ 起来 。 Let's take on the job. 另见 see also dǎn;dàn。 ◆担保 warrant;guarantee;go bail for;vouch for;ensure;assure;assurance;bail;surety; 担不是 take the blame; 担待 (担当) take on;undertake;take the responsibility;(原谅) excuse;pardon;forgive; 担当 (担负) take on;undertake;assume;(承当) deserve;be worthy of; 担当不起 cannot bear the responsibility;unable to bear the burden; 担风险 take [run] risks;assume [face;undertake] the risk (of doing sth;of sth.); 担负 bear;shoulder;take on;undertake;be charged with; 担搁 stop over;stay;;担架 stretcher;litter;hand frame; 担名 assume [undertake] a certain status; 担任 assume the office of;hold the post of; 担心 worry;feel anxious; 担忧 worry;be anxious; 担重担 bear a heavy burden;carry the ball
担(擔)dànⅠ (担子) a carrying pole and the loads on it;load;burden:货郎 ~ loads of goods carried on a shoulder pole by an itinerant pedlar; 勇挑重 ~ ready to shoulder heavy tasks Ⅱ ❶ (重量单位) dan,a unit of weight (= 50 kilograms);picul:一百市斤为一 ~。 One hundred jin equals one dan [picul] ❷ (用于成担的东西)shoulder- pole load:一 ~ 水 two buckets of water (carried on a shoulder pole) 另见 see also dān;dǎn。 ◆担担面 [方] Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce; 担子 a carrying pole and the loads on it;load;burden |