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单词 passage
passage/′pæsɪdʒ/ n [-s / ɪz/]

(1)通道,(尤指)走廊(long narrow space in a building leading to a room or rooms)[C] (passageway): The house has an underground~. 这座房子有一个地下通道。The stairs are at the end of the~. 楼梯在走廊的尽头。He brought in the bicycle and put it in a narrow,dingy~.他把自行车搬进来,放到狭窄昏暗的走廊里。〖同〗corridor, hallway, aisle;

(2)一段(文章或乐曲) (part of a piece of writing or music)[C]: a long solo~长段独奏;That is my favourite~from the Bible. 这是《圣经》中我最喜欢的一段文字。The newspaper quoted a long~from the speech. 报纸引用了讲话中的一大段。〖同〗section,portion,selection;

(3)通行(过) (action or process of going acrossbyoverthroughetc in space)[U]:The channel is deep enough for safe~. 航道够深,船只可以安全通过。The hunters needed a guide for their~through the jungle. 猎手们需要一名向导帮他们穿过丛林。Every metal has its own resistance to the~of an electrical current through it. 每一种金属在电流通过时都会产生阻力。〖同〗passing,movement;

(4)通行权(自由) (permissionrightor freedom to pass)[U]:The king granted/denied them~through his realm. 国王允许/拒绝他们穿越其国土。

(5)(时间的)消逝或推移 (lapse or passingas of time)[U]:the~of time时间的推移;despite the~of two thousand years 尽管过去了2000年;

(6)通路(道) (way through sth)[C,通常sing]:Is there a~through the mountains? 山间有通道吗? Her aides had to go on ahead of her to clear a~. 她的随从得走在前面开道。They had to force a~through the crowd. 他们得在人群中挤出一条道。〖同〗way,pass,route,road;〖反〗barrier,obstacle;

(7)(人体内的)管道 (longnarrow hole or tube in the human bodywhich air or liquid can pass along)[C]:the nasal/respirotary~s 鼻腔通道/呼吸道;the~s into the lungs 呼吸道;the back/front~直肠/阴道;

(8)(法案等的)通过 (approval of a legislative measure)[U]:P~of the bill seems assured/depends on public support. 那个议案的通过看来已经确定无疑/取决于公众的支持。〖同〗approval,authorization,acceptance;〖反〗veto,rejection;

(9)(乘船或飞机的)旅行(旅费) ((cost of a ticket for a)journey by water or air;voyage)[C]:a route~across the Atlantic飞越大西洋的航线; a~by boat from Cairo to Aswan乘船从开罗到阿斯旺的旅行;Bon voyage and have a pleasant~. 一路平安,旅途愉快。He paid for his~by working as a steward. 他做乘务员以此付旅费。〖同〗trip, journey,voyage,tour;

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