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单词 pass
pass/pɑ:s, AmE pæs/ n [-es / ɪz/];v [-es / ɪz/]

n (1)及格 (successful result in an examinationesp when below a distinctionhonoursetc)[C]:get/gain a~in mathematics/history 数学/历史及格; a~degree/mark (英国大学中的)学士学位(最普通的学位)/及格分;There were ten~es and no fails. 10门考试通过,没有不及格的。
 (2)通行(许可)证;定期乘车证 (ticket or card allowing a person to do somethingeg to go somewhereto travel or to get into a building)[C]:a boarding/monthly bus~登机牌/公共汽车月票; Please show your~to the guards at the gate. 请向门卫出示通行证。No admittance without a~. 没有通行证禁止入内。
 (3)传球 ((in ball games)threwkickhitetcof the ball from one player to another)[C][N(to)]:a clever~to the centreforward 传给中锋的好球; The quarterback threw a long~. 四分卫抛了个长传球。
 (4)关隘(口);山道(路) ((way through a)gapesp between hills or mountains)[C]:a mountain~山口;The Brenner P~connects Austria with Italy. 勃伦纳山口连接奥地利和意大利。〖同〗gap,pathway;
 come to a pretty pass/such a pass 处境不妙;情况危急:Things come to a pretty~when children give orders to their parents. 事情太糟糕了,孩子竟然向父母发号施令。
 make a pass at sb 向某人调情:He makes a~at every girl he meets. 他挑逗每一个见到的女孩子。
 →′passport n护照;′passbook n存折;′passkey n万能钥匙;′password n口令;′underpass n地道;
 v (1)前(穿)行;越(经)过 (go forward or move beyond (sb/sth))[IT+n]:Do not~.不准超车。He opened the door and stood aside for her to~. 他打开门,站在一旁让她过去。David~ed my house/sister on the way to the theatre. 大卫去剧院的路上从我家/我妹妹身边经过。~a barrier 越过障碍;〖同〗progress,proceed;〖反〗stop,halt,pause;
 (2)沿某方向行进或移动 (go or move in the particular direction)[I+prep I+adv]: They~ed through an arched gateway. 他们通过一个拱门。“P~right along inside,please,” shouted the bus conductor. 公共汽车售票员喊道:“请往里走。”
 (3)使某物沿某方向移动(或移至某处) (cause sth to move in the particular direction or to be in a certain position)[T+n+prep]:He~ed his hand over the fabric. 他用手摸了摸那件织物。He~ed his fingers through his hair. 他用手指理了理头发。~rope over the pulley/round a post 把绳索穿过滑轮/绕在柱子上;
 (4)递 (hand over) [T+nT+n+prep(to),T+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]: Please~the salt. 请把盐递过来。Did you~the word? 你把话递过去了吗? The tradition was~ed from father to son. 这个传统由父亲传给了儿子。The leaflet was~ed from hand to hand. 传单在人们手中传来传去。 He was assigned to~those Englishmen through France to England. 他被指派把那些英国人通过法国转移到英国去。P~the news along. 把消息传过去。The letter was~ed on/round to all members of the family. 那封信全家都传阅了。P~me that pen, please. 请把钢笔递给我。〖同〗hand,give,transfer,deliver;〖反〗hold,keep,retain;
 (5)传球(给己方队员) (givekickhit or throw (the ball) to teammate)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep(to)]:He~ed (the ball)to me quickly. 他很快地(将球)传给我。The ball was~ed to the winger/the captain.球传给了边锋/队长。〖同〗 hand,give,throw,kick;〖反〗hold,keep,retain;
 (6)(遗) 传 (be transferred esp by inheritance)[I+prep(to)]:The crown~ed to the king's nephew.王位传给了国王的侄子。The responsibility~ed to the deputy. 责任移交给副手。 Property~ed from father to son. 财产由父亲传给儿子。
 (7)变成 (undergochange from one state to another)[I+prep (from,to/into)]:~from boyhood to manhood 从少年变为成年;His mood soon~ed from depair to hope. 他很快从绝望变成满怀希望。
 (9)(时间)流逝 ((of time) go by)[I]:Fishermen sing to make the hours~faster. 捕鱼人唱歌让时间过得快一点。Two weeks had~ed since Martin met him. 自从马丁见到他以来,已经过去了两个星期。Time~ed quickly on vacation.假期时间过得很快。〖同〗go,vanish,disappear;〖反〗stop,halt,pause;
 (10)消磨,打发,度过 (spend(time))[T+n]:He~ed one night in Rome. 他在罗马度过了一个晚上。Is he to~all his life abroad? 他准备一生都在国外度过吗? He~ed the happiest hours of his life there. 他在那儿度过了他一生中最美好的时光。Mother~es her time knitting.妈妈靠编织打发时间。〖同〗spend,consume;
 (11)结束,完结 (come to an end)[I]:This bad weather/Her arger/His sickness soon~ed. 恶劣的天气/她的愤怒/他的疾病很快就过去了。
 (12)通过考试,及(合)格 (succeed in examination)[IT+n]: You have to get 120 marks out of 200 to~. He didn't~in English. 他英语考试不及格。你只有获得200分中的120分才能及格。I've~ed (my examination)! 我通过(考试)了!〖反〗fail,flunk;
 (13)(被)通过(批准) (approve or be approved)[IT+n]:The measure/bill~ed by 15 votes to 10.那议案/法案以15票对10票通过。The amendment~ed the Senate. 修正案在参议院获得通过。Congress~ed the bill despite the president's veto. 尽管总统否决,国会还是通过了那个法案。Has your application for a visa been~ed? 你的签证申请批准了吗?〖同〗approve,accept,affirm,confirm;〖反〗defeat,reject,disapprove;
 (14)宣判,发表(评论等) (give or announce(a judgement or sentence make or express (an opinion or statement))[T+nT+n+prep(on)]:~judgement on sth/a sentence of imprisonment of 20 years on sb对……作出评判/宣布判处某人20年徒刑;~very rude remarks/one compliment/a humorous conversation口出粗言/说一句恭维话/一次幽默的谈话
 (15)说出或做出,发生 (be said or donehappen)[II+prep(between)]:Hot words~when men quarrel. 男人吵架时常说过激的话。I hope you won't mind what~ed last night. 我希望你对昨晚发生的事不要介意。I don't know what~ed between them. 我不知道他们之间发生了什么事。
 (16)超越(出)限度(go beyond (a standard leveletc))[T+n]:This~es my understanding/comprehension. 这超过了我的理解能力。He~ed all expectations and actually won the prize.他超出所有人的预料竟然获了奖。 Your story~es belief. 你的这些话很难使人相信。 Dick has already~ed his father in height. 迪克的个头已经超过了他爸爸。〖同〗surpass,exceed,excel,outdo;
 (17)(纸牌戏中)不叫(出)牌,放弃叫(出)牌 ((in card-games)declinewhen it is one's turn to bida chance to bid play a roundetc)[I];
 (18)排泄,通(大、小便);分泌 (discharge or void from the bowels)[T+n]:~water小便;He~ed blood in his urine again last night. 昨夜他又尿血了。
 bring sth to pass(fml) 使某事发生:By much planning,the mother brought the marriage to~. 母亲精心筹划促成了这门亲事。
 come to pass (fml) 实现,发生:His hopes of success did not come to~. 他成功的希望未能实现。
 pass the buck(to sb) 将责任或过失推委给别人(infml):They inclined to~the buck to some other futile body. 他们想把责任推给某个别的小团体。
 pass the hat round 集资,筹款(infml):He~ed the hat round the crowd of people. 他向周围群众募捐。
 pass muster 被认为符合要求,过得去:These excuses will not~muster. 这些理由说不过去。
 pass the time of day(with sb) 与某人打招呼和寒暄:She is so haughty that she will scarcely condescend to~the time of day with people when she meets them. 她太傲慢,从来也不屈尊和碰到的人打招呼。
 pass as/for (v prep) 被认为或被当作(vt):Seen at distance, she might have~ed for a woman of thirty. 远看还以为她是个30岁的少妇。
 pass away(v adv) 死(vi):His father~ed away two years ago. 他的父亲两年前去世了。
 pass by (v prep/adv) 1)走(经)过(vt & vi):She~ed by the hospital on the way to the library.她在去图书馆的途中路过医院。I was~ing by when the bride arrived at the church. 新娘到达教堂时,我正好路过。2)对……无影响或不起作用(vt):The magic of Huck Finn seems to have~ed me by. 哈克·芬恩的魔法似乎对我不起作用。3)不注意(或忽视)(vt):He~ed me by as though he had never in his life seen me before. 他不理我,好像这辈子从来没有见过我似的。
 pass down(v adv) 传给下一代(vt):The skill has been~ed down over four generations. 这项技能已经传了四代。
 pass into(v prep) 变为……的一部分(vt):Day quickly~ed into night.白昼很快变成黑夜。
 pass off(v adv) 1)(事情)发生并完成(vi):The concert~ed off very well. 音乐会举办得非常成功。2)(疼痛,药效等)慢慢消失(退):Take this tablet and the pain should~off within half an hour. 把这个药片吃了,疼痛半小时后就会消退。
 pass sb/sth off as sb/sth 冒充(vt):He has been~ing himself as a deaf mute. 他一直冒充聋哑人。
 pass on (to)(v adv) 1)从一活动、阶段等进入另一活动、阶段等(vi):We'd better~on to the next question. 我们最好接着讨论下一个问题。2)将某物传(交、给)(某人)(vt):I received your message,and have~ed it on to all those whom it concerns. 我接到了你的口信,并已转告了所有有关的人。
 pass out (v adv) 死;失去知觉,昏厥(vi):Let me~out,I can't stand it. 让我去死吧,我可受不了啦。I thought I was going to~out. 我认为自己快晕倒了。
 pass out (of)(v adv) 完成(军校)学业(vi):Just over fifty students will be~ing out at the end of the present session. 本学期末只有50多个学生毕业。
 pass over (v adv/prep) 1)不考虑提升某人(vt):They~ed him over for promotion. 他们没有考虑提升他。2)忽略或不理会;回避(vt):If small offences are~ed over,they may lead to more serious ones. 如果小的过失不加追究的话,它们会导致更加严重的错误。
 pass through (v prep) 1)通过,穿过(vt):The troops~ed through the village yesterday evening.部队昨晚经过这座村庄。2)经历(vt):We are~ing through difficult times. 我们正在度过困难时期。
 pass up (v adv) 放弃(过)(机会等)(vt):He~ed up the offer of a good job in America to come here. 他放弃了在美国给他提供的好工作,来到了这里。
 →′passing n 流逝;结束;adj 通行的;经过的;暂时的,瞬间的;′passage n; ′over′pass v 超越,违犯;′re′pass v 再经过;重新通过;sur′pass v 超越;′trespass v 侵占;侵入;′passable adj 可通行的;′passably adv 还好,尚可;过得去;′passer-by n 过路人;′passenger n 旅客





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