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单词 party
party/′pɑ:ti, AmE ′pɑ:r-/ n [-yies/z/]

(1)(社交性或娱乐性的)聚会(social meeting for pleasure with musicdancingetc or for a meal)[C](尤构成合成词):a dinner/tea/birthday/farewell/dancing~宴会/茶话会/生日聚会/欢送会/舞会;~dresses/music 宴会服/曲;have/hold/give a~举办/举办/举办宴会或茶会等;After midnight,the~broke up.午夜后,晚会结束了。〖同〗gathering,reception;

(2)(参加共同活动的)一批(组,伙)人 (group of people sharing an activity)[CGp](尤构成合成词或修饰另一名词):a working/search/raiding~工作组/搜索组/突袭队;a~of tourists/schoolchildren 一群游客/学童;There were twelve in all in the~. 那伙人一共12个。〖同〗group,band,gang;

(3)政党、党派 (group of people sharing a political opinion and working together in politics)[CGp](尤构成合成词或修饰另一名词):a polilical~政党;the Conservative/Labour/Republican/Democratic/Communist P~保守/工/共和/民主/共产党;~line/man/member/politics/spirit/loyalty党的路线/党员/党员/政党政治/党性/对党的忠诚;

(4)一方,当事人 (person or group involved in a legal proceeding or taking part in some action or matter)[C]:the two~ies in a lawsuit 一桩诉讼中的双方; The talks will be attended by all~ies to the conflict. 冲突各方都将出席会谈。He is obviously within his rights in expecting the guilty~to pay up. 他显然有权要求有罪一方全部偿还。Certain unnamed~ies have informed us of your plan.一些人匿名向我们报告了你的计划。〖同〗participant,participator;

be (a) party to sth参与、了解或支持(某行动、计划等):He refused to be a~to such dishonest behaviour. 他拒绝参与这种不正当的行为。






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