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单词 抱恨终天

抱恨终天抱终天之恨;抱恨终身bào hèn zhōng tiān

a life-long regret; feel regret all one’s life;harbour an eternal sorrow (/regret); lament for sth the rest of one’s life; never forget one’s resentment;nurse a feeling of ever lasting indignation; regret all one’s life (/forever); rue it all one’s life (/in all one's born days)
❍ 历来中国革命的失败,都是被帝国主义绞杀的,无数革命的先烈,为此而抱终天之恨。(《毛泽东选集》640) Earlier revolutions failed in China because imperialism strangled them,and innumerable revolutionary martyrs died,bitterly lamenting the non-fulfilment of their mission.
❍ 今老母已丧,~。(《三国演义》356) My old mother is dead and I never forget my resentment.
❍ 这些日子里觉新不断地受到良心的谴责。他觉得无论如何应该给觉民帮忙。否则会造成一件抱恨终身的事。(巴金《家》315) Juex in’s conscience had been bothering him a lot of late. He knew that unless he helped Juemin,he’d regret it all his life.

抱恨终天bào hèn zhōnɡ tiān

含恨终生。regret sth. to the end of one’s life, feel bitter regret to the end of one’s day





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