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单词 披星戴月

披星戴月披星星戴月亮pī xīng dài yuè

under the canopy of the moon and the stars—work or travel night and day; get up by starlight and not down tools(/not knock off) till the moon rises; go to work in the field before dawn and come home after dark;journey (/travel)by night
❍ 小虎子两手抹着眼睛,他想不到父亲披星星戴月亮,做了半辈子苦活,走到这步田地上! (梁斌《红旗谱》9) Tiger dug his fists into his eyes. Had his father slaved all these years,getting up by starlight,not downing tools till the moon rose,only to end like this?/汤富海披星星戴月亮,白天帮工,晚上回来赶上十里路又做到深夜,鸡快打鸣的时候才躺到床上,天还没有亮又爬起来。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—39) Tang Fuhai worked by day and by night: in the daytime he worked as a hired hand and when he got home in the evening he would hurry off along the ten-li road to his own plot of land and work until late in the night.

披星戴月pi xing dai yue

work from before dawn till after dark


under the moon and stars;work from before dawn till after dark; work or travel night and day

披星戴月戴月披星pī xīnɡ dài yuè

身披星光,头顶月亮。形容不分昼夜地行路或在野外辛勤劳动,也形容早出晚归或走夜路。work or travel night and day, work under stars and moon, get up by starlight and not to down tools till the moon rises





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