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单词 披头散发

披头散发pī tóu sàn fà

one’s hair falls down loose(/hangs loose); with hair dishevelled (/in dis array); unkempt; tousled and bedraggled/“夫人救命! 夫人救命!”随即有三四个妇女~地跑了过来。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—250) “Save us,madam! Save us!”Three or four dishevelled women came running over./“~,一脸翡青,一身湿淋淋,见了人就追。”老婆婆说。(周立波《山乡巨变》179) “It had loose hair and its face was green. It was dripping wet all over,and as soon as it saw anyone it would chase after them,” replied the elderly woman.
❍ 贾母等听着发呆。又见平儿~,拉着巧姐,哭哭啼啼的来说:……(《红楼梦》1353) The old lady and the others had not recovered from this shock when Ping’er,her hair hanging loose,dashed in with Qiaojie.
❍ 正在这时,蝴蝶迷~,有两绺毛; 粘在她的鼻涕上,手舞两支打空了的匣子枪,张着满口的大黄牙,象母狼似的向正在救护伤员的白茹扑来。(曲波《林海雪原》584) Just then,Butterfly Enticer,her hair in wild disarray,two empty pistols in her hands,yellow teeth showing through her gaping mouth,rushed at White Dove like a she-wolf.
❍ 内中有一个年轻的妇女,只穿一条裤衩,被剖开肚子,内脏拖出十几步远,~,两手紧握着拳,象是在厮打拼命时被残害的。(曲波《林海雪原》6) Among them was a young woman,clad in only short underpants. She had been disembowelled. Her hair was wildly unkempt,her fists tight,as if she had fought fiercely to the end.
❍ 莫伦仍然骑着他那匹~的“兔子马”,身背老“七九”步枪,腰插一柄猎刀,颠儿颠儿地先自跑了。(郭先红《征途》554)Muren,shouldering his rifle and carrying a hunting knife,was riding his shaggy horse,…/半夜,一个~的女孩儿,爬到井跟前,抽抽噎噎的哭了一阵,就一头栽下井去。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》74) In the early hours before dawn,a tousled,bedraggled,young girl crept to a well. She sobbed heartbrokenly for a few minutes,then plunged in,head first.


with hair dishevelled(/in disarray)



披头散发pī tóu sàn fà

头发披散着。形容狼狈相或懒散样。with hair in disarray, with hair dishevelled





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