护(護)hù ❶ (保护;保卫) protect; guard;shield: ~ 厂 guard a factory;~ 林 protect a forest; 用手遮 ~ 眼睛 shield one's eyes with one's hand; 他举起手臂 ~ 住脸以免被拳击中。 He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. ❷ (袒护;包庇) be partial to;shield from censure: 官官相 ~ bureaucrats shield one another; 别 ~ 着自己的孩子。 Don't be partial to your own child. ◆护航 convoy;escort; 护喉甲 gorget; 护喉巾 bib; 护环 retaining ring; 护己 defend oneself; 护驾 guard [escort] the emperor; 护肩 shoulder pad; 护教学 {宗} apologetics; 护井 guide-well; 护颈 camail; 护胫 shin guard; 护脚 banket; 护角 angle bead;beam; 护具 protective clothing; 护壳 capsid; 护栏 guardrail;guard bar ;rail; 护理 nurse;nursing;tend and protect;nursing care; 护脸 face guard; 护林区 forest-range; 护林员 forest ranger; 护路 patrol and guard a road or railway;road maintenance; 护轮轨 guard rail;check rail; 护帽 protective cap; 护面 {体} mask; 护膜 cuticula;peristroma; 护木 guard timber; 护目镜 eye protector;goggles;protective goggles;protective spectacles;visor;vizor; 护目罩 eye guard;eye shield;head shield; 护鸟周 Bird Protection Week; 护皮 sheath; 护漆 vernix;caseosa; 护墙 revetment;apron;parapet wall; 护墙板 chair rail;cleading;panel;dado;strake;wainscot board; 护圈 retainer; 护热衣 lagging; 护沙洲 reinforcing bar; 护身 flak jacket; 护身符 amulet;protective talisman;a person or thing that protects on from punishment or censure;shield; 护士 nurse; 护手 handguard;nipper; 护送 escort;convoy; 护送队 convoy;escort; 护套 sheath;conduit;shield sleeve; 护体 watch box; 护田林 shelterbelt (of trees) along the field; 护腿 gaiter;boothose;boot;legging;leggin;shinguard;thigh-protector; 护腕 wrister;bracer; 护尾雷达 aircraft tail warning radar (ATW); 护卫 protect;guard;escort;convoy; 护卫舰 escort 护膝 kneelet;kneecap;canions; 护舷木 fender bar; 护胸 {体} chest protector;chest plate; 护养 cultivate;nurse;maintain; 护油圈 oil retainer; 护渔船 fishing patrol boat;fishing protecting vessel; 护园林 garden-shelter forest; 护运 ship (transport) sth. under guard; 护照 passport; 护罩 shield; 护柱 post fence;fender post; 护桩 fender pile;pivot pier protection |