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单词 box
释义 box1 /boks; baks/ n 1 container, usu with a lid, made of wood, cardboard, plastic, metal, etc used for holding solids: 盒; 匣; 箱: a box of matches; 一盒火柴; a 'tool-box. 工具匣; 工具箱。 Pack the books in a wooden box. 把孝籍装在木箱中。 'boxkite n kite made in the form of a box (or two boxes) of light material. 箱形风筝。 'box-number n number used in a newspaper advertisement as an address to which answers may be sent (and forwarded from the newspaper office). 报纸广吿中为便于读者与登广吿者通讯所用之代替住址的编号。 PO Box No n number used as part of an address to which letters, etc may be directed. 邮政信箱号码。◎ also call-box, Christmas-box, letter-box, money-box, pillar-box. 2 separate compartment, with seats for several persons, in a theatre, concert hall, etc. (U 院、音乐厅等之) 包厢。 'box-office n office for booking seats in a theatre, concert hall, etc: (戏院、音乐隐等之) 售票处; 票房: The play was a box-office success, a financial success. 该剧演出成功 (指卖座好,票房记录高) 。 3 compartment in a law court for a special purpose: 法庭之特别席位: 'jury-box; 陪审团席; 'witness-box. 证人席。 4 small hut or shelter, eg for a sentry or railway signalman. 小亭; 哨亭; (纤路上的) 信号员亭。 5 separate compartment in a stable or railway truck for a horse. 马厩或火车货车厢中一马所占之小间隔; 马糊。 6 raised seat for the driver of a carriage (1) or coach ⑴(马车上之)驭者座。 boxful /-ful; -7ful/ n full box' (1) (of sth). 一盲; 一箱 (与 of 连用,后接某物) 。 vt [VP6A] put into a box 装于盒中; 装箱。 box sb/sth up, [VP15B] shut up in a small space. 将某人关在 (置某物于) 一个小空面里; 幽禁某人。




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