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单词 part
part/pɑ:t, AmE pɑ:rt/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)部分 (piece of a whole;some)[C][N (of)](单数时常不用不定冠词):P~of the land has been planted with trees. 部分土地已种上了树木。We spent~of our holiday in America,and~in Canada. 我们的假期一部分在美国度过,一部分在加拿大度过。Great~of the story is true.故事的大部分情节是真实的。P~of him wanted to die. 他有点儿想死。P~s of the book are quite good. 这本书有些部分写得相当不错。The U.S.government is made up of three~s: executive, legislative, and judicial. 美国政府由行政、立法、司法三部分组成。A~of the delegates have arrived.部分代表已经到达。〖同〗section,portion,division;〖反〗whole,mass,bulk;
 (2)等份,……分之一 (one of several equal bits)[C]:A centimetre is a hundredth~of a metre.一厘米是一米的1%。I've divided the money into three~s. 我已把钱分成三份。
 (3)职责,本份,作用 (person's share of duty or responsibility)[C,通常sing]:He played a great~in the government's decision. 他在这项政府决策中起很大作用。You do your~and I shall do the rest. 你干你份内的事情,余下的我来做。I had but a small~in these events. 我在这些事件中只起了小小的作用。〖同〗role,function,duty;
 (4)(戏剧、电影中的)角色;台词 (a role played by an actor; words for an actor in a filmplayetc)[C]:the leading~主角(演); a small~in a television commercial 商业广告电视片中的一个小角色; take/play the~of 扮演……的角色; The young actress took the~of Joan of Arc. 那个年轻的女演员扮演圣女贞德的角色。Please learn your~s by Saturday. 请在周六前把你的台词记熟。
 (5)(动植物可区分的)部分(organlimbor other division of an animal or plant)[C][N(of)]:the affected/the injured~患部/受伤部位; Which~of your arm hurts? 你胳膊上哪儿痛? Can you name the~s of the flowering plant? 你能说出这种开花植物各部位的名称吗?
 (6)(机器等的)部(零)件(piece of a machineengineetc that can be taken off and changed)[C][N(of)]:automobile/spare/working~s 汽车零件/备件/工件; one of the~s of the generator发电机上的一个零件;
 (7)地区、区域 (area or region of a country or town)[C][N(of)]:in some~s of the world/the city在世界上/该城市的有些地区; His relatives are scattered in remote~s. 他的亲属散居在边远地区。
 (8)(文艺作品等的)部,集 (division of a literary work esp as much as is published or broadcast at one time)[C]:a novel in three~s 一本分为三部的小说;
 (9)(声乐、乐器的)(声、音)部 (notes for a musician's or singer's contribution to a group work)[C]:the soprano/the bass~女高音/男低音部; The trumpet/The violin~is extremely difficult. 小号/小提琴部极难演奏。
 the best part of sth 最(大、多)的部分:He spent the best~of the day in his room. 他今天大部分时间都待在自己的房间里。
 the better part of sth 大(多)半:He stared for the better~of a minute. 他凝视了足有半分多钟。
 for the most part 整体上,通常,多半:The audience consisted for the most~of women. 听众大多是妇女。
 for my part 就我来说:For my~, I am against the plan. 就我来说,我反对那个计划。
 in part 在某种程度上;部分地:He failed in~because of his carelessness.他之所以失败,部分原因是粗心大意。
 look the part 在什么场合就有什么扮相:If he wasn't actually a thief, he certainly looked the~.如果他不是真小偷,那模样也够像的。
 a man/woman of (many) parts 多面手;多才多艺的人:His brother is a man of many~s.他的兄弟是个多面手。
 on the part of sb/on sb's part 由某人做出:I consider this a gross oversight on your~. 我认为这是你的严重疏忽。
 part and parcel of sth 主要(重要)部分:Doing this is~and parcel of my work. 我的主要工作就是干这个。
 play a part(in sth) 1)参加某活动:Did you play a~in the riot? 你参加暴乱了吗? 2)对某事起作用(有贡献);参与:The~I played was very small. 我起的作用微不足道。
 take sth in good part 对某事往好处想,不计较,不介意:I hope you will take the advice in good~. 我希望你能愉快地接受这个劝告。
 take part(in sth) 参加(与):He never took~in arguments. 他从不参与争论。
 take sb's part支持某人:His mother always takes his~. 他母亲总是袒护他。
 v (1)(使)离开或与某人分离((cause sb to)go away or separate from sb)[II+prep (from),T+nT+n+prep (from)]:They reached the corner where they usually~ed. 他们到了通常分手的拐角处。They~ed from each other at the gate. 他们在大门口分手。It was the problem of money that~ed us. 是钱的问题使我们分道扬镳。 It would kill her to be~ed from him for any length of time. 要她离开他,哪怕是再短的时间,也会要了她的命。〖同〗depart, go, leave;〖反〗arrive,come;
 (2)(使)分开(分成部分) ((cause to) divide into two or more parts)[IT+n]:The clouds~ed and the sun came through. 云彩散开,太阳露了出来。The curtain~ed and the show began. 帷幕拉开,演出开始。The strain~ed the rope. 绳索因拉得太紧断了。We tried to~the crowd/two men but they continue to fight. 我们竭力把人群/那两个男人分开,但他们仍打作一团。〖同〗separate,divide,split,break; 〖反〗unite,combine,join;
 (3)将(头发)梳成分头 (comb(the hair)in different directions so as to leave a dividing line)[T+n]:P~your hair neatly every morning. 每天早晨请把分头梳整齐。She has thin black hair~ed in the middle. 她稀疏的黑发在中间分开。
 part company (with sb/sth) 1)各奔东西(前程):When I know all about his deceit I~ed company with him at once. 当我了解到他的全部欺诈行为后,立即与他分手了。2)与某人意见不合:The mayor~ed company with newspapers on raising taxes. 市长与报界在增税问题上意见不一。
 part with (v prep) 放弃或出让(vt):It is always sad when a family has to~with its ancestral home. 一个家庭要从祖辈居住的老家搬走总是一件悲伤的事。
 【辨异】partpieceportionsection都指与整体分开的小于或少于整体的部分。part是通用词,可与上述任一词互换,如:a part of a machine (机器的一部分); piece (一件)指可自成整体的组件,如a piece of furniture (一件家俱); portion (一份)指分配、分摊、分担的部分,如:He had no portion in the inheritance. (他没有分得遗产。) section (一段)指从整体上分割或分离下来的部分,如:a section of the country/a circle (这个国家的一部分/圆的一部分)。





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