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单词 parden
parden/′pɑ:dn, AmE ′pɑ:r-/ n,vt & interj

n (1)(宽恕,原谅 (forgiveness)[U][N (for)]:ask for~请求原谅;ask/seek/beg sb's~for sth恳求/寻求/乞求某人(对某事)的宽恕; He prayed for~for his wickedness. 他祈求宽恕他的罪恶。〖同〗forgiveness,mercy;〖反〗punishment,penalty;

(2)赦免 (action of a court or ruler forgiving a person for an illegal actand giving freedom from punishment)[C]:He was granted/given a~because he gave information to the police. 他因为给警方提供情况而被赦免了。The President granted general~. 总统颁布大赦。She wrote to the Queen asking for a~for her son. 她写信给女王,请求赦免自己的儿子。

vt (1)饶(宽)恕;原谅 (forgive;excuse)[T+nT+n+prep (for),T+ing](尤fml): How can I~such rude language? 我怎么能原谅这种粗话? He asked her to~him for his rudeness. 他请求她宽恕自己的无理。Please~me for bumping into you. 我撞着你了,请你原谅。P~my asking,but can you help me? 对不起,请问能帮帮我吗?〖同〗forgive, excuse, overlook;〖反〗punish, penalize, fine, discipline;

(2)赦免(free from prisonpunishmentetc)[T+n]:The king~ed the prisoners. 国王赦免了那些囚犯。The convict was~ed after serving five years of his sentence.罪犯服刑五年后得到赦免。〖同〗release,discharge;〖反〗condemn,blame,admonish;

interj(用来请某人重复一下未听清的话)(AmE亦pardon me): P~? What did you say? 对不起,你刚才说什么?

→′pardonable adj可宽恕的;可原谅的;′pardonably adv可理解地;可原谅地;′pardoner n (中世纪)获准售卖天主教免罪符的人;宽恕者;






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