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单词 投畀豺虎

投畀豺虎tóu bì chái hǔ

throw them to jackals and tigers; death to them
❍ 宜由政府下令,唤起全国人民讨汪。有不奉行者,罪其官吏。务绝汪党,~。(《毛泽东选集》680) The government should issue a decree calling on the whole people to repudiate the Wang Jingweis;Wherever the decree is not carried out,the officials should be called to account. The Wang Jingwei gang must be extirpated.
❍ 取彼谮人,~。(《诗经·小雅·巷伯》)Those slanderers I would gladly take,|With all who help their schemes to make,|And to the tigers throw.

投畀豺虎tou bi chai hu

throw (an evildoer) among beasts of prey—feel strong indignation (against)

投畀豺虎tóu bì chái hǔ

投:扔;畀:给。把那些说别人坏话的人拉出来,扔给野兽吃掉。形容对坏人无比痛恨。be hatred for the enemy, death to them, be extirpated





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