单词 | parallel |
释义 | parallel/′pærəlel/ adj [无comp];n;vt [BrE -ll-] adj (1)平行的 ((of lines,long structures or pieces)always the same distance from each other at every point)[A(to/with)][作pred]:~lines/bars/rows of tall poplars 平行线/双杠/一排排平行高大的白杨树;Concentric spheres are~. 同心球面是平行的。The road is/runs~to/with the river. 公路与河流平行。〖同〗alongside, abreast;〖反〗nonparallel; (2)同样的,类似的(same; similar) [A(to)]:~responsibilities/situations/difficulties/cases/developments/hobbies 同样的责任/同样的局势/同样的困难/类似的事例/类似的发展/类似的爱好;He was~with the beggars.他跟乞丐差不多。〖同〗similar,alike,same;〖反〗dissimilar,different; n (1)平行线 (line that is parallel to another)[C](=parallel line): Draw a~to this line. 画一条跟这条线平行的线。 (2)纬线(度,圈) (line drawn from east to west across a map,etc at a fixed distance from the equator)[C](=parallel of latitude): the 38th~第38度纬线;The border between Canada and the United States follows the forty-ninth~. 加拿大和美国的边界沿着49度纬线。 (3)极相似的人(事或物) (comparable person or thing)[C,U]:historical~s 历史上的类似事件;an actor without~in the modern cinema 当代电影界最出色的演员;a new agreement without~in the recent history of the world 近代世界史上史无前例的新协定;〖同〗 equivalent,equal,match;〖反〗opposite,reverse,counter; (4)比较 (comparison between sth and sth)[C](尤用于draw a parallel between sth and sth): draw a~between the human lung and a balloon 把人的肺和气球进行比较;There are such great differences that close~s cannot be drawn .两者的差距如此之大,不可能作近似的比较。〖同〗comparison,analogy; (5)相似之处 (likeness or state of being alike;similarity)[C]: Is there a~between the British Empire and the Roman Empire? 大英帝国和罗马帝国之间有相似之处吗? The plot has innumerable~s in the detective novels of the past decade. 故事情节与过去10年的侦探小说有无数相似之处。〖同〗analogy,likeness,;〖反〗difference,unlikeness; in parallel (指电流)并联:several generators operated in~几台并联运行的发电机; vt (1)比得过,配得上(be equal to)[T+n,尤pass]:His success/performance/stupidity can't be~(l)ed.他的成功/表演/愚蠢没法比。 (2)与……相似;可与……相比 (be,describe as,represent as,similar)[T+n,尤pass]:Her experiences~(l)ed mine in many ways. 她的经历在许多方面和我的相似。Can you~that for friendliness? 你能把那看作友好吗? The long head hair in some humans is~(l)ed by that of Angora cats. 有些人类的长发与安哥拉猫的毛相似。〖同〗equal,match;〖反〗differ; →′parallelism n.相似;类似 |
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