释义 |
投tóuⅠ ❶ (扔向目标) throw; fling; hurl; cast: ~ 石子 throw a stone; ~ 手榴弹 throw [fling] a grenade; ~ 锤 cast the lead ❷ (放进去; 送进去) drop; put in; cast: 把选票 ~ 进投票箱 drop [cast] a ballot into the ballot-box ❸ (跳进去) plunge into; throw oneself into: ~ 河自尽 drown oneself in a river; throw oneself into a river to commit suicide ❹ (投射) cast; project; shadow: 向她 ~ 羡慕的目光 cast an admiring eye on her; 树影 ~ 在草地上。 The tree projects a shadow on the grass. 他的出席给会议 ~ 下了一个阴影。 His presence cast a shadow (up)on the meeting. ❺ (寄出) deliver; post; send: ~ 函 send a letter; ~ 名片 send [post] one's card ❻ (找上去; 参加) go to; seek; join: 弃暗 ~ 明 forsake darkness for light; ~ 店 put up at an inn; ~ 军 join the army ❼ (迎合) be attracted toward; fit in with; agree with; cater to: 情 ~ 意合 find each other congenial; be attracted to each other by common tastes; ~ 其所好 cater to sb.'s tastes; 意气相 ~ find each other congenial Ⅱ ❶ (投壶的简称) a game during a feast in which the winner was decided by the number of arrows thrown into a distant pot ❷ (骰子) dice ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 调 Tou Tiao Ⅲ ❶ (表示时间, 相当于“到”、“临”) to ❷ (表示方位, 方向, 相当于“朝”、“向”) to; toward(s) ◆投案 give oneself up to the police; surrender oneself to the police; 投案自首 surrender oneself to justice [the police; the court]; give oneself up to the police [government]; go to the police and confess; voluntary surrender to court; 投包机 parcel delivery machine; 投保 insure; cover; take out (an insuranse) policy; effect insurance; 投保金额 sums insured; 投保人 applicant; policy holder; 投奔 go to (a friend or a place) for shelter; 投笔从戎 give up civilian pursuits to join the army; give up literature for a military career; give up [exchange] the pen for the sword; lay aside one's brush and become a soldier; throw away one's pen and enter the army; throw away the pen and take up the sword in defence of the country; throw down the pen and join the army; 投畀豺虎 throw (them) to the jackals and tigers; be extirpated; throw (certain people) among wolves and tigers (as food for the latter); Death to them.; throw the slanderer out and let the wolf or tiger eat him up; 投币式电话 coin telephone; 投币(式)电话机 coin-box telephone set; prepay-set; 投币式公用电话机 prepay-set; 投币式自动售货机 slot machine; 投币式自动售票 coin-in- the-slot; 投鞭断流 If the soldiers threw their whips into the river, it would be enough to stem the current — a big army; an army strong in numbers; throw whips into the stream to stop its flowing; 投标 tender; submit a tender; enter a bid; submit public bids in; bid; 投标保证金 bid bond; 投标价 tender price; 投产 go into operation; put into production; in commission; completion and commissioning; {油工} blow in; commissioning; starting; 投诚 surrender; cross over; 投出 launch; let fly; toss; whinny; 投弹 drop a bomb; throw a hand grenade; 投敌 go over to the enemy; defect to the enemy; surrender to the enemy; 投敌叛变 go over to the enemy and turn traitor; 投递 deliver; 投毒 poisoning; 投饵 feeding; 投放 throw in; put in; put (money) into circulation; put (goods) on the market; 投膏止火 extinguish a fire by pouring oil on the flames; like pouring oil on the flames to put out a fire; get what is contrary to one's wish as a result of the wrong method; 投稿 submit a piece of writing for publication; contribute; 投个眼色 shoot someone a warning glance; 投合 agree; get along; cater to; 投合口味 pander to one's palate [taste]; cater to one's taste; 投合时好 in (the) fashion; 投合心意 suit one's purpose [intention]; catch on; 投劾退隐 give up an official post and retire in seclusion; 投环 commit suicide by hanging; 投缳 [书] hang oneself; 投缳自缢 hang oneself; hang oneself by the neck; 投簧 (of key and lock spring) fit; (of method, etc.) be practical and likely to yield results; 投机 speculate; seize a chance to seek private gain; be opportunistic; congenial; agreeable; 投机操纵 speculate and manipulate; 投机倒把 play the market; capitalize on; engage in all sorts of illicit trading; engage in speculation; engage in speculation and profiteering; engage in speculative activities; make money illicitly through speculation; speculate; speculative transactions; 投机买卖 engage in speculation; speculative trade; 投机取巧 do things by [in] irregular ways; be opportunistic; choose the easy (not the orthodox) way; gain sth. by trickery; resort to dubious shifts to further one's interests; seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery; slick opportunism; take advantage of the moment; 投机商业从严 severity for commercial speculation; 投机钻营 speculate and secure personal gain; serve personal interests through trickery; 投江[河]自尽 commit suicide by drowning oneself in the river; jump into the river and drown oneself; 投襟送抱 acting like a man-chaser; 投[落]井下石 throw stones at sb. who has fallen into a well — to hit sb. when he's down; attack sb. who has already fallen from power; push sb. down a well and then drop rocks on him; 投井自尽 drown oneself in a well; throw oneself into a well; 投军 [旧] join the army; join up; enlist; 投考 sign up for an examination; apply for entrance examination; 投靠 go and seek refuge with sb.; go and live as dependent; give oneself up to; surrender to; 投篮 {体} shoot; shoot at the basket; shot; 投袂而起 throw up one's sleeves and rise; be enthusiastic; burst forth suddenly; determine to exert oneself; whisk one's sleeves and stand up; 投票 vote; cast a vote; 投其[人]所好 hit on what one likes; cater to another's pleasure; cater to sb.'s wishes; cater to the need of someone; offer one what one is hankering after; rub sb. the right way; take a fancy to; take [catch; please; suit] sb.'s fancy; tickle the ear of sb.; to one's liking; 投契 [书] congenial; agreeable; getting along well; 投契之谈 a friendly [congenial] talk; a heart-to-heart talk; 投枪 javelin; (throwing) spear; 投亲 go and live with relatives; seek refuge with relatives; 投亲访友 look up [visit] relatives and friends; 投亲靠友 join relatives and friends to find a means of living; go and seek refuge with one's relatives and friends; go and stay [live] with relatives or friends as a dependent; go to one's relatives or friends for help; 投球 bat; tap; drive; 投入 put into; throw into; input; investment in; 投射 throw; cast; project; 投射角 coign; angle of projection; angle of incidence; 投身 throw oneself into; 投身法网 get into the meshes of the law; 投生 be reborn; be reincarnated in a new body; 投师 seek instruction from a master; 投石问路 throw a stone to clear the road; 投手 {棒、垒球} pitcher; 投手榴弹 handgrenade throw; 投鼠忌器 spare the rat to save the dishes — to hold back from taking action against an evildoer for fear of involving good people; Beware of damages when pelting rats!; Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.; hesitate to pelt a rat for fear of smashing the vase [dishes] beside it; One who strikes at a rat cares if a vessel would be broken.; throw sth. at a rat, but afraid to break the vase — caution in taking action; When you throw stones at a rat, beware of the vase.; 投宿 seek temporary lodging; put up for the night; 投诉 write to state or request; complain; complaint; 投诉信 letter of complaint; 投胎 reincarnation; be reincarnated in a new body; 投桃报李 give a plum in return for a peach — return present for present; exchange gifts between friends; return presents between friends; return a favor with a favor; return present for present; send a plum to get a peach in turn; 投物伞 cargo chute; 投下 jettisoning; drop; 投闲置散 throw on the scrap heap; put in an idle position; stay idle; 投降 surrender; capitulate; 投降缴械 surrender and hand over the arms; 投降卖国 capitulate and sell out the country; practise capitulation and national betrayal; 投向 invest; turn; 投效 [书] offer one's service to sb.; 投信口 letter drop; 投药 exhibit; medicate; 投影 projection; projective; shadow; 投缘 congenial; agreeable; 投止权门 take refuge in a powerful house; 投掷 throw; hurl; cast; shy; 投杼之疑 When slanders are many, a lie will become believable.; A lie, if repeated often enough, becomes a truth to the listener.; 投资 invest; investment; money invested; 投资多样化 investment diversification; 投资估算 investment estimation; 投资环境 the investment environment; 投资监理 the investment supervision; 投资热点 investment hot spot; 投资少、见效快、经济效益高 yield faster results and bigger economic returns and call for smaller investment; 投资准则 investment criteria |