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单词 both
释义 both1 /baud; bo0/ adj (of two things, persons, etc) the two; the one and also the other (both precedes the def art, demonstrative adj, possessives, and other adj): (指两件事物,两个人等)二者…都; 两者…都(both 用于定冠词,指示形容词,所有格形容词及代名词,及其他形容词之前): I want ~ books/the books/these books. (这)两本书我都要。 I saw him on ~ occasions. 在那两个场合我都看到了他。 Hold it in ~ (your) hands. 用两只手拿着。 B~ his younger brothers are in the army. 他的两个弟弟均荏服兵役。 You can't have it ~ ways, must decide on one or the other. 你不能鱼与熊掌两者得兼(必须决定其中之一) Cf 参较 both and neither. B~ these books are useful. 这两本书都有用处。 Neither of these books is useful. 这两本书都没有用处。 Cf 参较 both and each: There are shops on ~ sides of the street. 街的两边都有商店。 There is a butcher's shop on each side of the street. 街的每一边都有一家肉店。




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