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单词 parade
parade/pə′reɪd/ n;v [-d,-d /- ɪd/,-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)游行 (procession of peoplevehiclesetc in colourful clothesetc as a celebration)[C]:a royal/circus~盛大的游行/马戏团行列; the May Day/Easter~五一节/复活节游行;be on~在游行;hold a~举行游行;Over a dozen bands are marching in the St. Patrick's~.十几个乐队行进在圣帕特里克节的游行队伍之中。〖同〗procession,march,line,progression;

(2)检阅,阅兵 (organized line or succession of soldiersarmy vehicles etc)[C]:a dress~阅兵典礼;ceremonial~s 阅兵式;review a~检阅部队;

(3)阅(练)兵场 (ground for parade of troops) [C] (=parade-ground);

(4)列队展示 (line or succession of moving people to display sth)[C]:a fashion~时装展览;a~of players (before a football match)/applicants/witnesses (足球比赛开始前的)运动员列队出场/一队申请人/一批证人;

(5)供散步的广场(大街) (public walk)(尤用于名称):41 Circus P~圆形广场大街41号;live in South P~住在南大街;

(6)炫示,夸耀(obvious display of sth)[C]:make a~of one's wealth/knowledge/abilities炫耀自己的财富/知识/能力;I've never seen such a~of jewelry as there was at the party.我从未见过晚会上展示的那样的珠宝。〖同〗show,display,exposition; 〖反〗hiding,concealing;

on parade接受检阅,被炫(展)示:The small boys loved watching the soldiers on~. 小男孩喜欢看阅兵。There are many new designs on~in the exhibition. 展览会上展示了许多新的设计。

v (1) (使)列队接受检阅(点名) (cause(troopsetc to) gather together for inspection display or a roll-call) [IT+n]:The army~d in the square. 军队在广场列队接受检阅。The colonel~d his soldiers. 上校把他的士兵集结起来。

(2)游行,列队行进 (march in a line moving forward in order)[II+prep I+adv]:A company of firemen~d in uniform. 一队消防队员着装列队行进。They~d through the town. 他们游行穿过市镇。Freighters~in and out of the Cape. 成群结队的商船在好望角出出进进。〖同〗march;

(3)夸(炫)耀 (show or display in an obvious way)[T+n]:The ladies and gentlemen~d their fine manners,wit, and charm. 女士们和绅士们卖弄他们美妙的仪态、才智和魅力。He was~ing his wealth by wearing several gold rings. 他戴着好几个金戒指以炫耀自己的富有。She~d her new clothes in front of her friends. 她在朋友面前炫耀自己的新衣服。〖同〗display,show off;〖反〗suppress,hide,conceal,veil;

→pa′rade-ground n阅兵场;校场;pa′rader n游行者





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