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❶ (寻找)look for; try to find; discover; seek: 自 ~ 麻烦 be looking for trouble; ~ 出主要矛盾 find out the principal contradiction; ~ 到新煤矿 discovered a new coal mine; ~ 出原因 seek the cause; 你 ~ 的书 ~ 着了吗? Have you found the book you have been looking for? 我们一直在 ~ 你。 We've been looking for you.
❷ (退还余钱) give change: 不用 ~ 钱了 never mind the change; 这是 ~ 你的零钱。 Here is your change.
❸ (求见; 查找) ask for; want to see; look into; call on; approach: ~ 人帮忙 ask sb. for help; ~ 线索 look into the matter; 有人 ~ 她。 Someone wants to see her. 有空我去 ~ 你。 I'll call on you in my spare time.
◆找病 look for trouble; 找补 make up a deficiency; 找差距 find out where one has lagged behind; 找茬儿 find fault; pick holes; pick a quarrel; 找岔子 find fault with sb.; pick flaws in sth.; nitpick; 找到 find; seek out; {计} hit; 找对象 [方] look for a partner in marriage; look for a mate; 找麻烦 look for trouble; cause sb. trouble; 找齐 make uniform; even up; make up a deficiency; 找钱 give change; 找窍门 find out the secret to success; find better techniques; try to find the key to a problem; try to get the knack of doing sth.; 找事 look for a job; pick a quarrel; 找死 court death; 找头 change; balance; 找寻 look for; seek

find out;look for;seek out;try to discover
~差距indentify one’s own weakness/~对象look for a partner(in marriage)/~错了对象knock at the wrong door; bark up the wrong tree /~对了对象knock at the right door/~典型look for typical examples/~靠山curry favor with those in power/~死court death





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