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单词 批亢捣虚

批亢捣虚pī háng dǎo xū

attack the enemy at his weak spots
❍ 救斗者不搏𪯆, ~, 形格势禁, 则自为解耳。(《史记·孙子吴起列传》) To settle a quarrel you must not join in the fighting. If we leave what is knotted and attack what is loose,making further entanglement impossible,matters can be sorted out.

批亢捣虚pi kang dao xu

go for an enemy’s jugular and break through its defences

批亢捣虚pī kànɡ dǎo xū

批:用手打;亢:指咽喉,比喻要害;捣:用棍棒的一端撞击。抓住要害,乘虚而入。attack the enemy at his weak points, strike the important position and make a surprise attack on the weak defense of the enemy, attack the vital position and unguarded places of the enemy





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