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单词 扶老携幼

扶老携幼fú lǎo xié yòu

bring along the old and the young; hold the old by the arm and the young by the hand; help the aged folk and lead the little ones by the hand
❍ 见两边百姓,~,挨挤着来看,……(《儒林外史》437) Their path was lined with people who had brought their old folk and children,to throng the temple and watch.
❍ 穷人雇不起车子,尤其是初来大连的乡下人,都是~,问问路,慢慢往前走。(《高玉宝》116)Countryfolk unable to afford any conveyance stopped to ask the way and then trudged slowly off,leading their old folk and children.
❍ 两边街道~,都看了欢喜。(《水浒全传》151) On both sides of the street stood the people,old men supported as they stood and little children held by the hand,and all were happy.
❍ 果见城门开处,百姓~,手持白旗而出。(《三国演义》286)Presently the gates were opened and out came the people supporting their aged folk and leading their little ones by the hand. Each carried a white flag.
❍ 乡亲们~地来了。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》67) Peasants of all ages came,supporting the old,carrying babies.
❍ 即日号泣而行。~,将男带女,滚滚渡河,两岸哭声不绝。(《三国演义》 356) They started at once,some lamenting,some weeping,the young helping the aged and parents leading their children,the strong soldiers carrying the women. As the crowds crossed the river,from both banks arose the sound of lamentation.
❍ 当阳之败,豫州见有数十万赴义之民,~相随,不忍弃之,……(《三国演义》374) As for the defeat at Dangyang it must be remembered that Liu Bei was hampered with a huge voluntary following of common people,with their aged relatives and their children,whom he was too humane to abandon.

扶老携幼fú lǎo xié yòu

携:拉着。搀着老人,带着小孩。holding the old by the arm and the young by the hand, bring along the old and the young, help the elderly people and children





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