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单词 panel
panel/′pænl/ n;vt [-ll-,AmE -l-]

n (1)镶板,护墙板,条板 (flatrectangular piece of woodetc forming part of a walldooretc) [C]: a door~门心板;a ceiling with painted~s 有漆饰镶板的天花板;a great door with gold-inlaid~s 饰有镶金嵌板的大门;There were glass~s in the front door. 前门饰有玻璃花格。〖同〗compartment, piece,pane;

(2)(衣服上的)镶饰(piece of cloth sewn lengthwise into or onto a skirt or dress) [C]:Her skirt is green with~s of white. 她的绿裙子上镶有白饰条。

(3)仪表板,操纵(控制)面板(board with instruments or controls) [C]:an instrument/a control~仪表/控制板;

(4)专门小组(group of persons gathered together to discuss or decide something) [CGp]:a~of medical experts/educators 医学专家/教育家小组;a~discussion/game 小组讨论/游戏;The~are all experts in their various subjects. 小组的成员都是各方面的专家。A~of artists will judge the contest. 一个艺术家小组将担任竞赛的评委。

vt 装以镶板,以镶板装饰(cover or decorate with panels) [T+n,尤pass]:a~(l)ed room/ceiling/wall 用镶板装饰的房间/天花板/墙壁;The walls were~(l)ed with pine. 四壁都镶有松木板。

→′panelling (AmE paneling) n 镶板(木料)门心板;′panellist (AmE ′panelist) n 专门小组成员





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