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单词 authority
authority/ ɔ:′θɒrǝti, AmE ə′θɔ:r-, ǝ′θɑ:r-/ n[-yies/z/]

(1)权力(势,威)(power to command and control other people)[U]:a person of ~ 权威人物;a person in~掌权人物;report sth to those in~向掌权者们报告某事;Who is in~there? 那儿谁管事?have/exercise~over sb 对某人具有/行使权威;act under sb's~在某人领导下做事;His voice always carries a note of~.他的话音中总是带着一种居高临下的口吻。speak/write with~以权威的口吻讲话/写东西;speak to sb in a position of~以领导的身份对某人说话;〖同〗power,command,control;

(2) 1)做某事的权力(power or right to do sth specific)[U][N+to-inf]:have (the)~to grant permission/ sign cheques/ search a building 有权给予准许/签署支票/搜查大楼;You have no~to do that.你没有权力做那事。He gave me the~to act on his behalf.他授权我代表他办事。Who gave you~to punish him? 谁给你权力惩罚他?He has our~to publish the book.他得到我们的授权出版这本书。2)授权证明(official permission to have this power or right)[C,通常sing]:Where is your~to search my house? 你们搜查我的房子有什么许可证明?Here is my~.这是我的授权证书。do sth with a signed~凭签署的授权证书做某事;

(3)掌权者,当局(person or organization that has the power to command or control other people)[C,常pl]:the army/school~ies军队/学校当局;health/sports~ies卫生/体育主管部门;the~ies at the town hall 市政当局;report sth to the~ies 向当局报告某事;The government is the highest~in the country.政府是国家的最高当局。be in the care of the local~受地方当局管;〖同〗government,administration;

(4)1)权威人士(person who is an expert on a particular subject)[C]:The professor is a(great)~on art/literature/history.这位教授是艺术/文学/历史方面的权威。a leading agricultural/industrial~一位农业/工业方面的主要权威;〖同〗expert,specialist,scholar;2)权威性的东西(booketc that can be referred to on a particular subject)[C]:A good dictionary is an~on the meanings of words.一本好字典是词义的权威依据。3)根(依)据,来源(personbooketc mentioned as the place where one found certain information)[C]:I can find no~for such usage of the word.我找不到这个字这么用的根据。sb's~for a statement 某人一种说法的依据;Always quote your~ies.你要处处注明出处。

(5)权威,影响力(power to influence)[U]:The secretary has a lot of~with the manager/the young man.这秘书对那经理/年轻人很有影响力。Napoleon was a man of~.拿破仑曾是个很有影响的人物。the~of a parent 家长的权威性;His~on the subject is unquestioned.他在这方面的权威不容置疑。

←′author n 作者;创始人;

→ au͵thori′tarian adj极权主义的;n 极权主义者;au͵thori′tarianism n 极权主义;au′thoritative adj 有权威(可信)的;有权力(官方)的;权威(命令式)的;′authorize-ise vt 授权;批准,许可;͵authori′zation,-′sation n 授权;委任状;

【辨异】authorityinfluence都可表示“支配他人行为和思想的力量”。authority指因地位和官职而具有的命令他人的权力,如:have authority over subordinates(对下属具有权威);influence指个人(非官方)的,因品格、能力、身份等而对他人能产生的影响力,如:have influence over one's friends(对朋友具有影响力)。





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