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单词 bomb
释义 bomb /bom; bam/ n hollow metal ball or shell filled either with explosive for causing destruction or with smoke, gas, or incendiary material, eg dropped from aircraft; (old use) hand-grenade. 炸弹 (中空之金属球或壳,内充破坏性之爆炸物, 或产生烟雾、 毒气或燃烧性之筮 I 质,如从飞机上投下者); (旧用法) 手榴弹 a go like a ~, (sl) be very efficient, successful, etc: (俚) 非常有效、成功等: My new car goes like a 我的新车跑得棒极了。 '~ bay n compartment (in an aircraft) for holding ~s. (飞机中的) 炸弹舱。 '~-disposal squad, squad for removing unexploded ~s and making them harmless. 炸弹处理小组 (移除并销灯未爆炸之炸弹的小组) 。 '~-proof adj giving protection against exploding ~s: 不怕质论的; 炸不破的; 能防炸弹的: a ~-Proof shelter. 防空奸难室。 '~shell n (fig) sth that comes as a great surprise and shock. (喻) 令人大为震惊的意外事件。 '~, sight n device (in an aircraft) for aiming ~s. (飞机中的、轰炸瞄准器。 '~-site n area (in a town) devastated by ~s: (城市中) 被炸弹炸炖的地区: a car park on a ~-site. 被炸炖地区上的停车场。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15B] attack with ~s; drop ~s on, 轰炸。 ~ out, drive out (of buildings, etc) with ~s: 以炸弹 (自虫筑物等中) 赶出: ~ed out families/factories. 被炸弹赶出的家庭 (工厂) 。 2 [VP15B, 2C] ~ , load (an aircraft) with ~s. 装载炸弹于 (飞机) 中; 装载炸弹。 ~er /'boms (r); 'bam。/ n aircraft used for ~ing, the illus at aircraft; soldier trained in ~ing. 债炸机 (参看 aircraft 之插图); 炸员。




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