释义 |
打退堂鼓dǎ tuì táng gǔback down (/out); beat(/sound) a hasty (/graceful) retreat; draw (/haul/pill) in one’s horns; give up; withdraw ❍ 她要干的事,决不因为客观情势不顺利,就~,她转弯抹角,扯到了社上。(周立波《山乡巨变》上—222) She never easily gave up what she wanted to do just because of difficulties. She talked round the subject a bit,and finally got on to the matter of co operatives. ❍ 其余的姑娘,在她的鼓舞下,也都冒着闲言的侮谩,一直不~。(周立波《山乡巨变》上—77) The other girls too,en couraged by her,all defied slander and insult,and refused to retreat. ❍ 刘雨生看见话不投机,讲不拢边,就~,但又留出一条再见的后路。(周立波《山乡巨变》上—266) Liu Yusheng saw that what he had said hadn’t hit the mark,and he hadn’t got any closer,so he decided to withdraw,while still leaving a way open for the future. 打退堂鼓da tui tang gubeat a retreat 打退堂鼓beating a retreat;backing out 打退堂鼓beat a retreat;back out 不要遇到困难就~。You mustn't give up the moment you run up against difficulty. 打退堂鼓dǎ tuì tánɡ ɡǔ古代官吏退堂时必击鼓。现在多用以比喻做事时中途退却。withdraw, back out, beat a-retreat, pull(draw, haul) in one’s horns, back down, give up, back water, take water |