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单词 打躬作揖

打躬作揖打拱作揖;打恭作揖dǎ gōng zuō yī

bow and greet sb (/and scrape/and raise one’s clasped hands in salute); fold the hands and make deep bows; lower one’s horns;make an obeisance to sb; scrape a leg; salute with folded hands again and again
❍ 见了客来,又要~,累个不了。(《儒林外史》50) Whenever a guest comes,I have to bow and greet him—I’m sick and tired of it all.
❍ 薛蟠连忙打恭作揖赔不是。(《红楼梦》308) Xue Pan bowed in apology,raising clasped hands.
❍ 宝玉见他这样,还认作是昨日晌午的事,那知晚间的这件公案?还打恭作揖的。黛玉正眼儿也不看,各自出了院门,一直找别的姐妹去了。(《红楼梦》321) Baoyu attributed this cold be haviour to the lines he had quoted at noon the previous day,having no idea of the incident in the evening. He bowed and raised his clasped hands in salute,but Daiyu simply ignored him,walking straight off to find the other girls.
❍ 他自然不至于主张文人应该对谁都打拱作揖,连称久仰久仰的,…… (鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集·四论“文人相轻”》133) Of course he does not mean that writers should bow to all they meet and greet them respectfully,…

打躬作揖da gong zuo yi

bow and scrape

打躬作揖dǎ ɡōnɡ zuò yì

打躬:双手向上合抱;作揖:双手向下合抱行礼。指见面时恭敬地行礼。make a bow,bow and greet sb., lower one’s horns, scrape a leg, bow and scrape, do obeisance





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