释义 |
打家劫舍dǎ jiā jié shèbe robbers; loot; plunder;rob men of their possessions ❍ 江湖上听得说对影山有个使戟的占住了山头,~,因此一径来比并戟法。(《水浒全传》429) I heard by river and lake that there was one on the Twin Mountains who could wield this weapon also and he was there as ar obber. For this I came here to measure myself against him in the way we used our weapons. ❍ 而次以百八人渐聚梁山泊,~,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》292)…then a hundred and eight men gathered at Liangshan and attacked landlords in the vicinity. ❍ 因此反上白虎山,聚得五七百人,~。(《水浒全传》726) For this we went to The White Tiger Mountain and there gathered together some five or seven hundred men,and there we robbed houses and despoiled our neighbours. ❍ 浪人乘乱~。(高云览《小城春秋》 17) Rascals took advantage of the disorder to rob and loot. ❍ 这三个结为兄弟,占住芒砀山,~。(《水浒全传》744) These three are sworn brothers,and they stand on that Mountain of Wild Grass And Rocks and they rob the countryside. 打家劫舍da jia jie sheplunder 打家劫舍dǎ jiā jié shè劫:抢劫;舍:居住的房子。指到别人家劫夺财物。loot, plunder, be robbers
打家劫舍舍(盗)dǎ jiā jié shè指到别人家劫夺财物。loot, raven about, plunder, raven about, be robbers, in packs |