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单词 pair
pair/peə(r), AmE per/ n;v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n 一双(对) (two similar or related things that form a complete set)[C]:a~of boots/socks/gloves/eyes/wings一双靴子/一双袜子/一副手套/一双眼睛/一对翅膀;

(2)由两部分合在一起的物品(one thing that is made up of two similar parts)[C]:a~of scissors/chopsticks/glasses/compasses/tongs/trousers一把剪子/一双筷子/一副眼镜/一副圆规/一把钳子/一条裤子;

(3)一对(人或动物) (two peopleanimalsetcoften one of either sexwho are thought of together for some reason)[C]:a~of lovers/twins/dancers/Dutch rabbits一对恋人/孪生子/舞伴/荷兰兔;The bride and groom are a goodlooking~.新娘和新郎是很漂亮的一对。They are a newly married~.他们是一对新婚夫妇。I don't like that~of children.我不喜欢那两个孩子。The cart was pulled by a~of horses/oxen.那辆车由双套马/两头牛拉着。〖同〗couple,match;

in pairs成双(对)地:Shoes are sold in~s.鞋子按双出售。

v (1)使成对(双),配合(cause to form into one or more pairs) [尤passT+nT+n+prep(with)]:~the shoes/the people for the dance 把鞋子配成对/把人组成一对对来跳舞; Her gloves were neatly~ed in a drawer.她的手套一副副整齐地放在抽屉里。She was~ed with a famous movie star/my brother in the tennis match. 她与一著名影星联袂演出/在网球比赛中和我兄弟配对。〖同〗match,mate,couple,combine,unite;

(2)配(成)对(form a pair or pairs)[I]:I thought those two would~well. 我认为那俩人很相配。These swans~for life. 这些天鹅成双成对,终生厮守。They~ed and went off arm in arm.他们成双成对,臂挽臂地离去。

pair off (with) (v adv) (使)配成对;(使)成双(vi & vt):The company~s off quickly.在场的人很快各自找到舞伴。I was~ed off with their best player.我与他们最优秀的选手配对。

pair up (with) (v adv) 结成对(vi & vt):Not all the boots would~up.这些靴子不全成对。When she finished the mending, she~ed up the socks. 她补好袜子后把它们一双双放好。

【用法】在数字后面用“pair”或“pairs”都可以;如“three pair(s) of shoes三双鞋”,但用“pairs”更普通些。






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