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单词 paint
paint/peɪnt/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)涂料,油漆(colouring substance in the form of liquid or paste) [U]:give sth three coats of~给某物上三层漆;I want some white/brown/blue~. 我要些白/棕/蓝色的油漆。Don't scuff the~. 别把油漆蹭了。The artist's clothes were covered in~. 那位画家的衣服上沾满了油彩。Wet~! 油漆未干!

(2)颜料(solid pigment before it is mixed with the liquid) [pl]:a set/box of oil~s 一套/盒油画颜料;He learned something about how~s are mixed. 他学过一点怎样调色。The artist left his~s at home. 画家把他的一套颜料丢在家里了。

(3)香粉,胭脂(cosmetic such as lipstick that colours)[U](通常derog): That old lady wears too much~.那位老夫人脸上的脂粉涂得太重。

→′paintbox n 颜料盒;′paintbrush n 画笔;油漆刷;′paintwork n 油漆活;涂上的油漆;

v (1)上油(漆) (spread paint carefully on sth)[T+nC+n+adj]:~a room/a gate/a house油漆房间/大门/房屋;I had the desk~ed only last week. 我上周刚油漆完那张写字台。The house was~ed white. 房子漆成白色。The room is~ed white with moonlight. 房间沐浴在白色的月光中。The frost~ed all the trees silver. 冰霜给所有树木披上银装。

(2)(绘)画 (make a picture (of sth or someone) using paint) [II+advT+n]: He~ed or read all day.他整天读书做画。 ~in oils/watercolours画油/水彩画;~pictures/landscapes/portraits/flowers and birds/mountains and rivers画画/风景画/人像/花鸟/山水;You have~ed a terrible picture,but the responsibility is yours.你描绘了一幅十分糟糕的图景,但责任在你。

(3)涂(搽)化妆品(apply cosmetics to)[T+nC+n+adj](常derog):~one's nails/one's mouth/one's lips/one's face 涂指甲/抹口红/抹口红/化妆;She~ed her nails pink. 她把指甲涂成粉红色。

paint the town red 狂欢(infml): They heard this morning that they've passed their examinations,so they've gone out to~the town red.今天早晨他们听说考试通过了,所以到外面狂欢去了。

paint in (v adv) 加绘上去,添画上去(vt):The hill to the left was~ed in.左边的小山是后画上去的。

paint out (v adv) 用漆(或颜料)覆盖,涂掉(vt): They~ed out the name on the shop front.他们将商店门脸上的名称用漆涂掉。

paint over (v prep) 用油漆把……盖上(vt):We've~ed over the dirty marks on the door.我们已将门上的污迹用油漆盖上了。

→′painter n 画家;油漆工;′painting n 绘画;上油漆;油画





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