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(十二个叫一打) dozen:两[好多,几] ~ 铅笔 two [many;several] dozen pencils;
论 ~ 出售 sell by the dozen
另见 see also dǎ。

❶ (撞击;敲打) strike;hit;knock:~ 稻子 thresh rice;~ 门 knock at the door;~ 钟 ring the bell;
敲锣 ~ 鼓 beat gongs and drums;
趁热 ~ 铁。 Strike while the iron is hot. 正午时钟 ~ 12下。 The clock strikes twelve times at noon.
❷ (因撞击而破碎) break;smash:窗玻璃 ~ 了。 The windowpane is broken. 花瓶~得粉碎。 The vase was smashed to pieces. 鸡飞蛋 ~。 The hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken.
❸ (殴打;攻打) fight;attack:~ 成一团 fight together;~ 碉堡 attack a stronghold;
这两个男孩 ~ 了一架。 The two boys had a fight.
❹ (发生与人交涉的行为) negotiate;make representations:~ 官司 go to law (against sb.);~ 交道 deal with;negotiate
❺ (建造;修筑) construct;build:~ 坝 construct a dam;~ 墙 build a wall
❻ (制作) make (in a smithy);forge: ~ 一把刀 forge a knife;
这个铁匠 ~ 马掌的手艺很高。 The smith forges horseshoes with great skill.
❼ (搅拌) mix;stir;beat:~ 鸡蛋 beat eggs;~ 糨子 mix paste
❽ (捆) tie up;pack:~ 成一捆 tie (things) up in a bundle;~ 行李 pack one's luggage;pack up;
我的衣服在背后 ~ 结。 My dress ties at the back.
❾ (编织) knit;weave:~ 辫子 plait a queue;~ 草鞋 weave straw sandals;~ 毛衣 knit a sweater
❿ (涂抹;画;印) draw;paint;make a mark on:~ 方格儿 draw squares;~ 手印 put one's fingerprint on a document;~ 一个问号 put a question mark;put a query
⓫(揭;凿开) open;bore;dig:~ 开盖子 take off the lid;~ 井 dig [sink] a well;
请把窗户 ~ 开一点。 Open the window a fraction,please.
⓬ (举;提) hoist;raise:~ 灯笼 carry [hold] a lantern;~ 起精神来 raise one's spirits;cheer up;~ 伞 hold up an umbrella;
爱国志士们 ~ 出了自由的旗帜。 The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom.
⓭ (放射;发出) send;dispatch;project:~ 雷 thunder;~ 炮 fire a cannon;~ 手电 flash a torch;~ 信号 signal;give a signal;
昨晚我给他 ~ 了电话。 I phoned him up last night.
⓮ (付给或领取) issue or receive (a certificate,etc.):~ 介绍信 write a letter of introduction (for sb.);get a letter of introduction (from one's organization)
⓯ (除去) remove;get rid of:~ 蛔虫 take medicine to get rid of roundworms;take worm medicine;~ 旁杈 prune the side branches
⓰ (舀取) ladle;draw:从井里 ~ 水 draw water from a well;~ 一盆水fetch a basin of water;~ 粥 ladle gruel
⓱ (买) buy:~ 酱油 buy soy sauce;~ 张车票 buy a train or bus ticket
⓲ (捉禽兽等) catch;hunt:~ 野鸭 go duck-hunting;~ 鱼 catch fish
⓳ (用割、砍等动作来收集) gather in;collect;reap:~ 柴 gather firewood;~ 粮食 gather in grain
⓴ (定出;计算) estimate;calculate;reckon:成本 ~ 500元钱 estimate [reckon] the cost at 500 yuan ㉑ (拟定) work out:~ 草稿 work out a draft ㉒ (做;从事) do;engage in:~ 短工 work as a day or seasonal labourer;be a temporary worker;~ 夜班 go on night shift ㉓ (喷撒) spray;spread:~ 农药 spray insecticide ㉔ (做某种游戏或运动) play:~ 篮球 play basketball;~ 扑克 play cards;~ 秋千 have a swing ㉕ (表示身体上的某些动作):~ 个跟斗 turn [do] a somersault;~ 手势 make a gesture;gesticulate ㉖ (采取某种 方式) adopt;use:~ 个比方 draw an analogy Ⅱ ❶ (表示处所、时间、范围的起点) from;since:~ 那以后 since then;~ 这往西 走 go west from here;~ 哪儿说起呢? Where am I to begin? 你 ~ 哪儿来? Where did you come from?
❷ (表示经过的路线、场所):他们将 ~ 水路去香港。They'll go to Hongkong by water.阳光 ~ 窗口射进来。The sun shines in at the window.
另见 see also dá。
◆打暗号 [方] give a secret signal;
打靶 rifle practice;target practice;shooting practice;practice shooting;
打摆子 [方] suffer from malaria;
打败 defeat;beat;worst;suffer a defeat;be defeated;
打扮 dress up;make up;deck out;dress;attire;
打包 (包装) bale;pack;(打开包着的东西) unpack;packaging machine;
打包票 vouch for;guarantee;say for certain;
打抱不平 take up the cudgels for the injured party;defend sb. against an injustice;take up the cudgels against the injustice done to sb.;champion the cause of justice;feel injustice done to another and wish to help;be the champion of the oppressed;
打奔儿 [方] pause in speaking or reciting;limp-legged;be tumbled;
打比 (比喻) make [draw] an analogy;[方] (比较) compare;contrast;
打[敲]边鼓 speak for sb. from the sideline while talking;spread [circulate] praise of sb.;
打草 mow grass;
打草稿 prepare a draft;
打草惊蛇 beat the grass and frighten away the snake — act rashly and alert the enemy;beat emptily upon the grass,and the snake will be frightened;beat the grass and drive the snake away;beat the grass and the snake will be startled;beat the grass to frighten away the snakes;beat the grass to startle the snake;frighten away ... by raising a scare;shake the bush to rouse the serpent;stir the grass and alarm the snake;wake a sleeping wolf;
打喳喳 [方] whisper;
打杈 pruning;
打岔 interrupt;cut in;
打柴 collect firewood;gather firewood;
打禅 (佛教徒打坐) (of a Buddhist or Taoist monk) sit in meditation;
打场 thresh grain (on the threshing ground);
打成平局 (比赛中) draw;break [come out] even;fight to a stand off;result [end] in a draw [tie];打成一片 become integrated with;become a harmonious whole;become [be] one with;be fused with;identify oneself with;make into one;merge with;
打春 [口] the Beginning of Spring (lst solar term);
打错算盘 miscalculate;be out in one's calculations;have lost one's reckoning;make a wrong decision;
打打闹闹 fight in jest or for fun;boisterous;
打蛋机[器] eggbeater;
打倒 overthrow;down with;strike [knock] down;
打道 [旧] clear the way (for officials in ancient times);
打得火热 be on terms of intimacy;be as thick as thieves;be infatuated with sb.;be passionately attached to each other;be very thick with each other;carry on intimately with...;chum up with...;fraternize with...;hobnob with...;join in a love feast;
打灯笼 carry a lantern lighted;hold a lighted lantern;
打“的” taxi;call a taxi;
打底 {纺} (染纤维的前道工序) bottoming;{工} (涂底漆;打腻子) priming;render;
打底子 (起草) sketch (a plan,picture,etc.);(奠定基础) lay a foundation;
打[加]点 dot;
打点 (收拾;准备) get (luggage,etc.) ready;(旧时送礼,请求照顾) bribe;
打掉 destroy;knock out;wipe out;drive out;
打叠 (安排;收拾;准备) get ready;arrange;
打动 move;touch;arouse one's feelings;
打斗 fight;struggle;beating;dust-up;fight and quarrel;exchange blows;tussle;
打赌 bet;wager;
打短儿 work as or be a temporary labourer;be dressed in (a Chinese-style) jacket and trousers;
打断 (打折) break;break-in;(使中断) interrupt;cut short;
打盹儿 doze off;take a nap;
打哆嗦 (因寒冷等而发抖) tremble;(承受颤抖) shiver;(因害怕等而发抖) shudder;
打呃 hiccup;hiccough;
打耳光 box sb.'s ears;slap sb. in the face;
打发 (派出去) send;dispatch;(使离开) dismiss;send away;(消磨) while away (one's time);
打翻 overturn;strike down;
打榧子 [方] snap the fingers;
打分 (评定分数) grade;(评价或评定正确程度) marking;
打嗝儿 [口] (呃逆) hiccup;(嗳气) belch;burp;
打更 sound the night watches;
打埂 {农} ridging;
打恭[躬]作揖 make an obeisance;beg humbly;bow and greet (sb.);bow and raise one's clasped hands in salute;bow and scrape;fold the hands and make deep bows;make a deep bow;
打谷场 threshing ground;threshing floor;barn floor;
打官腔 modelled wordage;talk like a bureaucrat;assume bureaucratic airs;speak in a bureaucratic tone;stall [speak] with official jargon;
打官司 (进行诉讼) go to court;go to law;engage in a lawsuit;litigation;[口] (争吵;口角) squabble;
打光棍 remain a bachelor;stay single;live alone;
打滚 roll about;roll on the ground;
打棍子 come down [use] with the big stick (upon sb.);bludgeon;weild the big stick;
打哈哈 make fun;have fun with;crack a joke;
打哈欠 yawn;
打寒噤 tremble because of cold;shudder because of cold;
打夯 {建} ramming;drill piles in construction;tamping;
打横 (坐在末座) sit in the inferior seat at a square table;
打晃儿 sway one's body before falling down;
打诨说笑 make all manner of quips and jokes;
打伙儿 [口] (结伴;合伙) go with;form a partnership;join as partner;
打火 strike sparks from a flint;strike a light;strike arc;
打击 strike;attack;crack down;hit;trip;swash;collision;verberation;blow;
打击乐 percussion music;
打假 anti-fake-commodity;the anti-fake compaign;
打架 come to blows;fight;scuffle;
打尖 (途中休息吃东西) stop for refreshment when travelling;have a snack (at a rest stop);{农} (掐去棉花等作物的尖) topping;pinching;nozzling;
打浆 {纸} beating;
打江山 fight for sovereignty over rivers and mountains;seize political power by force;
打交道 come into contact with;make contact with;have dealings with;team up (with);mediate (with);
打搅 disturb;interrupt;trouble;
打醮 (of Taoists [Buddhists]) say mass for the departed souls;
打劫 rob;plunder;loot;
打结 tie a knot;
打紧 [方] matter;serious;critical;
打进国际市场 step into the international market;
打卡机 punched-card machine;punch-card machinery;
打开 (揭开;拉开;解开) open;unfold;(接通电路) turn on;switch on;(攻开) break through;(展开;扩展) open up;spread;
打开天窗说亮话 frankly speaking;have a frank,straight talk;let's be frank and put our cards on the table;let's not mince matters;not to mince matters [one's words];打瞌睡 doze off;nod;
打孔 bore;punching;dock;punch;drill a hole;punch a hole;perforate;
打垮 strike down;defeat;beat;
打蜡 waxing;wax;polish with wax;
打捞 get out of water;salvage;fishing;
打雷 thunder;
打擂台 accept the challenge;take up the challenge;pick up the gauntlet;contest in boxing or martial arts;challenge fight between two boxers;
打冷枪 snipe;fire a sniper's shot;stab in the back;
打愣儿 [方] stare blankly;be in a daze;be in a trance;
打量 (观察) measure with the eye;look sb. up and down;size up;(以为;估计) think;suppose;reckon;
打猎 go hunting;
打乱 disorganize;throw into confusion;upset;
打落水狗 beat a drowning dog — Do not let up one's attack of the failing enemy.;beat the dog that has fallen in the water;beat the mad dog even though it is already in the water;completely crush a defeated enemy;give a deadly blow to the man who has lost power or influence;hit a person who is down;
打马虎眼 [方] pretend to be ignorant of sth. in order to gloss it over;act dumb;exploit others' carelessness;feign ignorance in order to swindle sb.;try to fool sb.;try to pass it off;
打埋伏 (伏击) lie in ambush;set an ambush;ambush;(隐藏;隐瞒) hold sth. back for one's own use;keep sth. in reserve;
打闷棍 hit sb. with sth. like a black jack so that the sound produced is but a thud (unlike the crack of a whip or the sharp smack produced by a bat) — take advantage of sb.'s unawareness to strike a heavy blow at him;
打牌 (打纸牌) play cards;(打麻将牌) play mah-jong;
打炮 (放炮) fire a gun [cannon];(演出拿手好戏) put on a good performance;
打泡 get [raise] blister;
打屁股 beat on the buttocks;spank;[口]take sb. to task;get punished;receive punishment;
打票 (买票) buy ticket;
打破 break;smash;
打破沙锅问到底 insist on getting to the bottom of the matter;be inquisitive;get to the bottom of sth.;inquire into the bottom facts in [of] this affair;interrogate persistently;probe sth. to the bottom;wish to know every detail of sth.;
打扑克 play poker;play cards;
打气 (充气) inflate;pump up;air inflating;(鼓动) bolster up the morale;boost the morale;encourage;cheer up;
打钎 drill a blasting hole in rock with a hammer and a drill rod;
打千 [旧] salute by kneeling the left leg,slightly bending the right leg,with the right arm hanging at the side;
打钱 [旧] (of acrobats,performers) collect cash from the viewers;
打前站 act as an advance party;set out in advance to make arrangements;
打枪 shoot;fire with a rifle,pistol etc.;snap;
打情骂俏 trifle with sb. in love;coquet with sb.;joke between a young couple;tease one's lover by showing false displeasure;The lovers exchanged glances and chatted and joked together.;
打秋风 seek gratuitous financial help;give a small present with a view to some substantial recompense;get money;have a windfall;obtain gifts of money;fawn on others to fish for some improper gains;
打趣 banter;tease;make fun of;
打圈子 (转圈子) circle round;whirl about;(不直说) speak in a roundabout way;beat about the bush;
打拳 box;shadowboxing;practice boxing;
打群架 gang war;engage in a gang fight;
打扰 disturb;trouble;
打入 (投入;放逐) throw into;banish to;(渗透) infiltrate;
打入冷宫 relegate to limbo;banish to the cold palace;banish (a queen or concubine) to the cold palace — consign to limbo;be immured in solitude;be left in the cold;be out of favour;consign sb. to limbo;consign to the back shelf;fallen into disfavor;put on the back shelf;
打入十八层地狱 banish sb. to the uttermost depths of hell;banish to the lowest depths of hell — condemn to eternal damnation;shut sb. in the eighteenth hell;
打散 break up;scatter;thrashing;
打扫 sweep;clean;
打闪 lightning;flash;
打扇 fan for others;
打食 (觅食) hunt for food;seek food;(用药消食) relieve indigestion with a drug;help (with medicine) to digest and excrete;
打手势 gesticulate;
打手 (为某种势力出力,欺压人民的人) hired roughneck;hired thug;hatchet man;bully;{纺} beaters;
打死 (殴打致死) beat to death;(射击致死) shoot to death;(处决) dispatch;(夺去生命) kill;(击毙飞鸟等) stop;(重击致死) smite (sb.) dead;
打算盘 (用算盘计算) calculate on an abacus;(合计,盘算) calculate;deliberate;
打算 (考虑) intend;plan;think;mean;(想法) considera ̄ tion;calculation;
打碎 break into pieces;smash;destroy;batter;pounding;
打胎 have an (induced) abortion;
打探 inquire about;ask about;
打天下 (夺取政权) struggle to seize state power;seize state power by armed forces;(创立事业) establish an enterprise;start an enterprise;set up an enterprise;build up one's position;
打铁 forge iron;work as a blacksmith;
打铁趁热 Strike while the iron's hot.;Make hay while the sun shines.;
打听 ask about;inquire about;get a line on;
打通 get through;open up;thirl;thurl;
打头 (带头;领头) take the lead;drive head;[方] (从头) from the beginning;(抽头) take a percentage [cut] of the winnings in gambling;
打头炮 fire the first shot;be the first to speak or act;take the lead;lead the attack;
打头阵 fight in the van;spearhead the attack;take the lead;
打退 beat back;beat off;repulse;
打退堂鼓 beat a retreat;back out;draw [pull;haul] in one's horns;withdraw from ...;give up a pursuit without attaining the [one's] goal;give up;
打碗花 {中药} Calystegia hederacea;ivy glorybind;
打围 encircle and hunt down (animals);
打硪 operate a rammer;
打下 (攻克) take;capture;(奠基) lay a foundation;
打下手 act as assistant;
打先锋 fight in the van;be a pioneer;lead the way;lead the van;
打响 (开火;接火) start shooting;begin to exchange fire;(事情初步成功) make a good start;win initial success;
打消 give up (an idea,etc.);dispel (a doubt,etc.);
打小报告 inform secretly on a colleague [sb.];打雪仗 have a snowball fight;throw snowballs;
打掩护 {军} (在主力部队侧面或后面作战) provide cover for;shield;(庇护) lend shelter to;give refuge to;
打眼 (钻孔) punch [bore] a hole;drill;trepanning;boring blastholes;drilling;(惹人注意) [方] catch the eye;attract attention;
打样 (画出设计图样) draw a design;{刷} (打校样) make a proof;pull;fent;proof;
打烊 [方] close the store for the night;
打药 (喷洒杀虫剂) spray insecticide [pesticide];(喷洒农药) spray agricultural chemicals;[方] (买中药) buy medicine;(致泻的药物) purgative;cathartic;
打印 (盖印) put a seal on;stamp;(打字油印) cut a stencil and mimeograph;mimeograph; {计} (用打印机打出) printing; 打印机 {计} (输出设备之一) printer;(打印记机) marking punch;marking machine;
打油 (买油) buy oil;[方] (榨油) press for oil;(从容器中舀油) ladle oil;(在头发上抹油) add oil; 打油诗 doggerel; ragged verse; 打游击 {军} (从事游击活动) fight as a guerrilla;[口] (没有固定地点的工作或活动) work [eat,sleep,etc.] at no fixed place;
打鱼 (捕鱼) fish;(捕捉鱼) catch fish;work;
打圆场 mediate a dispute;do peacemaking;ease a situation;mediate between the two parties;proffer one's good offices;smooth out a dispute;smooth things over;
打砸抢 beating,smashing and looting;
打杂(儿) char;do odds and ends;serve as handy man;
打战 shiver;tremble;shudder;
打仗 fight;go to war;make war;
打招呼 (用语言或动作表示问候) greet sb.;say hello;tip one's hat;(事先提醒) give a previous notice;warn;remind;notify in advance;inform;(事先通知、关照) notify;let sb. know;
打折扣 (降低商品价格) sell at a discount;give a discount;(不完全按规定或商定的去做) fall short of a requirement or promise;
打着灯笼没处找 not to be found even with a lantern — hard to come by;not to be found even if one searches with a lantern;be hard to come by;rare;
打针 {医} give or have an injection;
打肿脸充胖子 slap one's face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing;do sth. beyond one's means in order to be impressive;puff oneself up at [to] one's own cost;try to satisfy one's vanity when one cannot really afford to do so;
打中 hit the mark;hit the target;hit;
打皱 (起皱纹) wrinkle;crumple;
打主意 (想办法) think of a plan;evolve an idea;(设法谋取) try to obtain;seek;have ideas about;plan;
打住 come to a halt;(in speech or writing) stop;halt;
打转(转) spin;rotate;revolve;turn round and round;
打桩 {建} piling;pegging-out;pile driving;palification;drive piles into the earth;
打字 typewriting;typewrite;type;
打字机 typewriter;typer;marking machine;
打总儿 [口] altogether;
打嘴巴 box sb. in the ear;give a good talking-to;take sb. to task;
打坐 (of a Buddhist or Taoist monk) sit in meditation






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