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单词 pain
pain/pein/ n & vt

n (1) (肉体上的)痛,疼痛(unpleasant feeling of suffering as a result of injury disease etc usually localized in some part of the body) [UC]:feel no/some/a lot of~感觉不/有些/很痛;cry/scream with~痛得哭/叫; a cry of~痛苦的喊叫; I couldn't sleep for~. 我痛得不能入睡。If the~comes on again, give him another dose. 如果还痛,再给他吃一剂药。I've got a~in my tooth/my stomach/my back/my chest. 我牙/胃/背/胸痛。Her~s had recurred. 她的疼痛复发了。〖同〗ache,aching,discomfort,pinch;

(2) (精神,感情上的)痛苦,悲痛(mental or emotional suffering; distress) [U]:He couldn't bear the~of being separated from his family. 他忍受不了与家人分离的痛苦。May this country never again know the~of war. 但愿这个国家再也不会经受战争的苦难。It will cause her infinite~. 这将给她带来无穷无尽的痛苦。〖同〗suffering,misery,sorrow,sadness;

(3) 讨厌的人或事(irritating or annoying person or thing)[C](infml): She is a real~. 她真叫人讨厌。You give me a~. 你真叫我讨厌。I've missed the last train—what a~! 我误了最后一趟火车,真倒霉!

(4) 努力,劳苦(trouble care or effort)[pl]:He has obviously taken great~s to study the practical details. 他显然在研究其实用的细节方面作了极大的努力。No~s were spared in the workmanship. 在做工上不遗余力。He was at~s to emphasize the nonpolitical character of the visit. 他极力强调这次访问的非政治性。 All he got for his~s was ingratitude and suspicion. 他辛苦一场得到的却是忘恩负义和猜疑。

a pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事:People who are always complaining are a~in the neck! 喋喋不休抱怨不止的人真讨厌!

on/under pain/penalty of sth (fml) 冒着受到某种惩处的危险:He was banished from his country on~of death. 他被驱逐出境不准回国,否则处以死刑。

→′painful adj (使感觉)痛苦的,费力的;辛苦的;′painfully adv 痛苦地;′painfulness n 痛苦;′painless adj 无痛苦的;′painlessness n 无痛苦;′painstaking adj 苦干的;费力的;煞费苦心的;

vt 使痛苦(cause suffering or upset to (someone)) [T+n, 无pass]:It~ed her to admit that she was wrong. 承认自己错了使她很痛苦。Your disapproval/Your sarcasm~s me more than I can say. 你的拒绝/讥讽给我造成的痛苦难以言表。Does your ankle still~you? 你的踝关节还痛吗? 〖同〗ache,hurt,grieve,annoy;






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