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单词 才疏学浅

才疏学浅才疏智浅cái shū xué qiǎn

crude and unlearned; dull and ignorant; have little talent and less learning; wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge; untalented and unlearned
❍ 卑职~,审理此案,虽然凭赃凭证,据理而断,既是老大人说有差错,想必另有高见! (朱素臣《十五贯》43) I am dull and ignorant. I judged this case in accordance with the evidence; but Your Honour must have some good reason for saying my verdict was wrong!/愚才疏智浅,恐不堪当此任。(《三国演义》733)I fear I am not equal to such a task: I am not clever enough and too ignorant.

才疏学浅cái shū xué qiǎn

才学空疏、浅薄。have little talent and less learning, small telent and little knowleage





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