释义 |
手舞足蹈shǒu wǔ zú dǎobe in raptures; beside oneself with joy;dance with (/for)joy;leap with joy;prance about ❍ 说着,宝玉进来,听见这些话,越发乐的~了。(《红楼梦》1120) Baoyu coming back just then was in raptures when he heard about Daiyu’s birthday. ❍ 盼到今日完姻,真乐的~,虽有几句傻话,却与病时光景大相悬绝了。(《红楼梦》1270) Beside himself with joy,although he sometimes talked nonsense he behaved quite differently from when he was demented. ❍ 孙悟空在旁闻讲,喜得他抓耳挠腮,眉花眼笑。忍不住手之舞之,足之蹈之。(《西游记》15) Wukong,who was standing there to listen,was so pleased with the talk that he scratched his ear and rubbed his jaw.Grinning from ear to ear,he could not refrain from dancing on all fours!/同学们~地几乎要互相拥抱了。两个教员也互相握着手。(杨沫《青春之歌》278) Dancing with joy,the youngsters nearly fell on each other’s necks,while the two teachers clasped hands. ❍ 去年章士钊将我免职之后,自以为在地位上已经给了一个打击,连有些文人学士们也喜得~。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》139) Last year,after dismissing me from my post,Zhang Shizhao thought he had damaged my social status,and some scholars nearly danced for joy. ❍ 正在~高兴,忽然前面一对高灯,又是一对提灯,上面写的字是:“盐捕分府”。《儒林外史》227) He was gesticulating merrily when two tall lanterns and two smaller ones bearing the words “The Assistant Salt Gabelle Comptroller”loomed up in front of them. ❍ 痛苦和死亡的魔鬼,正在人们的面前疯狂地~,威胁着人们的生存和幸福,……(吴强《红日》109) …the spectres of pain and death that were gesturing and gibbering frantically before them and threatening their existence and happiness. ❍ 阿Q正喝了两碗黄酒,便~的说,这于他也很光采,因为他和赵太爷原来是本家,细细的排起来他还比秀才长三辈呢。(《鲁迅选集》上—51) Ah Q,who had just drunk two bowls of yellow wine,began to prance about declaring that this reflected credit on him too,since he belonged to the same clan as Mr Zhao,and by an exact reckoning was three generations senior to the suc cessful candidate. ❍ 永歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也。(《诗经大序》) When those prolonged utterances of song are insufficient for them,unconsciously the hands begin to move and the feet to dance. ❍ 当下刘老老听见这般音乐,且又有了酒,越发喜的~起来。(《红楼梦》503) Now the music,on top of the wine ,set Granny Liu waving her arms and beating time with her feet for sheer delight. 手舞足蹈dance for joy;prance about 手舞足蹈shǒu wǔ zú dǎo蹈:脚踏地。两只手舞动,两脚踏地跳动。形容兴奋到极点的样子。dance for joy, prance about, go into raptures, flouish |