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单词 pad
pad1/pæd/ n;vt [-dd-;-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 垫子(块),垫状物(soft cushion used to fill a hollow space lessen pressure or friction protect from blowsetc)[C]:a seat/shoulder~座垫/垫肩;shin~s 护腿;She knelt on a~to clean the floor. 她跪在垫子上擦地。The dentist put a cottonwool~between her cheek and her gums. 牙医把一块药棉垫在她的面颊和牙床之间。These shoes have~s for the ankles. 这种鞋带有保护踝部的垫子。A batsman at cricket always wears~s on his legs. 板球运动中的击球员腿上总戴着护垫。〖同〗cushion,mattress;

(2) (动物的)肉趾 (cushionlike part of anythingas those under part of the toes of some animals)[C]:The vet examined the dog's~s. 兽医检查狗的爪垫。

(3) 拍纸簿(set of pieces of paper fixed along one edge and used to write letters notes etc) [C]:a note/writing/telephone/blotting~ 便笺/拍纸/电话通讯/吸墨水簿;an engagement~约会簿;

(4) 发射台,起降台(platform from which rockets are sent off or helicopters take off) [C]:a launching/helicopter~发射台/直升机起降场;

(5) 住处 (one's home)[C](sl): a bachelor~单身汉的住处;You can stay at my~. 你可以待在我这儿。

vt 加垫子于……,塞填料于…… (put a pad in or on (for protection to make something big enough etc))[T+n, 尤pass]:He~ded the sharp corners with pieces of rubber. 他在尖角处垫上橡胶片。The shoulders of his jacket are~ded. 他的夹克衫加了垫肩。She was now~ded with spare fat. 她当时已是一身赘肉。The shoes were too big so she~ded them with cottonwool. 鞋太大,所以她填了棉花。〖同〗cushion,protect,stuff,fill;

pad out (v adv) 1) 加垫衬于(vt): The actor's costume was~ded out to make him look fat. 那个演员的服装加了内衬让他看上去胖些。2)拖长,添凑(vt):He felt his letter not long enough,so he~ded it out with remarks about weather. 他觉得他的信还不够长,所以又添了几句有关天气的话。

→′padding n 填塞;垫料;补白





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