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单词 手无寸铁

手无寸铁shǒu wú cùn tiě

bare-handed; empty-handed; be totally unarmed;have no weapons in one’s hands; defenceless
❍ 是威武,可惜你我~,还不是临渊羡鱼吆。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—121) They’re really splendid! Too bad we’re not armed like them ourselves and can only stand here and vainly admire them.
❍ 再说,以军警包围~的青年学生,无论如何是野蛮行为。(梁斌《红旗谱》364) Another thing,for soldiers to besiege young students who are totally unarmed is,however you look at it,an act of barbarism…/荷枪实弹,浑身黑老鸦一样的警察,对着这些~的青年人,好象对着百万雄兵的大敌一样。(杨沫《青春之歌》135) Theblack-uniformed police with their rifles were acting as if these defenceless boys and girls were an enemy army a million strong.
❍ 现在,他已经是~,一刻也不能迟延了。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》176) He was empty-handed now;he couldn’t afford to stop for any reason.
❍ 但人类究竟不能这么沉静,当大敌压境之际,~,杀不得敌人,而心里却总是愤怒的,于是他就不免寻求敌人的替代。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—253) But men cannot remain so placid.When the enemy is at the gate and they have no arms to resist him,they will at least rage inwardly. Thus they have to find some substitute for the enemy./“那可有啥办法? 咱们白面书生,~。……”李芝庭小声咕哝着,轻轻地摇头叹息。(杨沫《青春之歌》54) “What can we do?” muttered Li Zhiting,slightly shaking his head and sighing. “We are pale-faced intellectuals with no weapons in our hands. ”/拿着素有训练的军队,去包围~的学生,算了什么……(梁斌《红旗谱》401)All those veteran soldiers surrounding students without an inch of steel in their hands—can you call that serious?



手无寸铁shǒu wú cùn tiě

寸:一,极少;铁:武器。手里没有一点武器。barehanded, unarmed, defenceless





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