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单词 手忙脚乱

手忙脚乱shǒu máng jiǎo luàn

be frantically busy;be flurried; be thoroughly flustered; bustle about;helter-skelter;hurry-scurry; in a frantic rush; in a great bustle (/hurry/pother); in a muddle(/flurry)
❍ 这位代理人倒有点~了。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—52)The sales representative was rather flurried.
❍ 我学习操纵血压电疗器械时,起先老是~,总弄不好。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》541) When I was learning to use the electrical equipment for treating blood pressure I was always in a muddle and could not do things right.
❍ 只见那店里有几处座头,三五个筛酒的酒保,都~,搬东搬西。(《水浒全传》107) There were a few places about,and some three or five serving men to pour wine. But these serving men were so busy that their hands and feet were all in confusion and they were moving things hither and thither,east and west.
❍ 改霞她妈心中十分不安,~,说了许多客气话。(柳青《创业史》240) Embarrassed at this kindness,Gaixia’s mother bustled about,thanking the chairman pro fusely.
❍ 记着,一切要从战斗准备着想,免得临时~。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》2) And remember,do everything with a view to the coming battle. Don’t get caught napping at the last minute.
❍ 大家~地做着各种准备,等待去迎接那即将授予的新的任务。(冯志《敌后武工队》377) In fact,there was great excitement as preparations got under way for the work team’s forthcoming assignment.
❍ 民军这方面,正在~地准备战争。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—283)In a flurry,the Revolu tionary Army began to prepare for a new battle.
❍ 有了那些报纸,加上一个庄士敦,早已弄得他们~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 139) The combination of the newspapers and Johnston kept them quite busy enough: …/他见冯永祥来,可能一会儿林宛芝要准备下午茶点,先去通知一声,别临时~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—453) He had surmised from Feng Yongxiang’s arrival that Lin Wanzhi might want afternoon tea in a moment so he was going to the kitchen to warn them so that they would not have to rush about at the last moment.
❍ 此时,屋檐上淅淅沥沥的雨声还没有停止,而劈劈拍拍放鞭爆一样的枪声响了,大家都~起来。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —267) The raindrops cotinued tapping on the eaves when suddenly gunfire began to rattle out on the street like so many firecrackers,throwing everyone in the house into utter confusion.


in a flurry;in a rush;rush about

手忙脚乱shǒu mánɡ jiǎo luàn

形容做事慌张忙乱,毫无条理。in a muddle, in a great hurry, act with confusion





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