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单词 pack
pack/pæk/ n;v

n (1) 包(裹),捆,背包 (things tied up together or put in a containeresp to be carried on one's back;bag) [C]: The tramp carried a~on his back. 流浪汉背着一个行李包。He carried some food in a~. 他在背包里带了些食品。
 (2) 小纸包(盒) (small container made of paper or cardboard)[C]:a~of needles/cigarettes/matches/canned goods/gum 一包针/一包香烟/一盒火柴/一箱罐头食品/一包口香糖;〖同〗box,container,package,packet;
 (3) (猎犬,野兽,飞禽)一群 (a number or group of certain animals) [CGp]:a~of hounds/wolves 一群猎狗/狼; grouse in~s 成群的松鸡; Lions do not hunt in~s, but alone. 狮子不是成群猎食而是单独出动。
 (4) 一帮(伙、群、堆) (set of similar things or bad people) [CGp][N(of)]:a~of fools/thieves/liars/criminals/lies/nonsense 一群笨蛋/一伙窃贼/一帮骗子/一伙罪犯/一派谎言/一派胡言;A~of angry shoppers demanded their money back. 一群愤怒的顾客要求退款。〖同〗crowd, throng, group;
 (5) 一副纸牌(为52张) (set of (fifty-two) playing cards) [C] (AmE deck): He shuffled the~and dealt it out. 他把那副牌洗了洗,发了下去。Take the~of cards and deal some to each player. 把那副牌拿来,给每个玩的人发几张。Four sets of cards make a~. 一副纸牌分四套。
 v (1) 包扎(装);装(进)…… (make into a pack or bundle or put things into a case box etc until it is full) [I T+n T+n+prep(in/into/with)]:Have you~ed(your things) for the holiday? 你度假的东西收拾好了吗? Don't forget to~the camera. 别忘了装上照相机。 P~these books together and put them in the attic. 把这些书捆起来,放到搁楼里。They~ed their catch in burlap bags. 他们把捕获物装进麻布袋。He~ed his tobacco into his pipe. 他把烟斗装满烟丝。He~ed his belongings into a trunk (his trunk with belongings). 他把自己的东西装入衣箱。〖同〗fill,bundle,tie,bind,wrap;〖反〗 unpack,unwrap,untie,unload;
 (2) 能装入……之中(内) (be able to be put into...) [II+prep(into)]: A knit dress~s well. 针织衣服好包装。These clothes will all~into one suitcase. 这些衣服可全部装进一个手提箱。
 (3) 填塞,包垫 (cover or envelop with something pressed closely around) [T+n+prep(in)]:glass/china~ed in straw/newspapers 用稻草/报纸包垫的玻璃/瓷器; ~a hole with cement/some paper round the dishes用水泥填补洞/用纸包垫盘子;
 (4) 把(食品等)装罐(prepare (food) for preservation transport and marketing) [T+n]:~fruit/meat 把水果/肉食制成罐头;
 (5) 塞(挤)满 (press or crowd together within; cram) [尤pass;T+nT+n+prep(with)]:Spectators~ed the stadium. 观众挤满了体育场。We were~ed tight in the bus. 我们在公共汽车里挤得满满的。At night there were students~ed into Daddy's study. 晚上,爸爸的书房里挤满了学生。The bridge was~ed with cars. 桥上排满汽车。 Every vantage point and every house top was~ed with cheering people. 每一个能站人的高处,每一个屋顶上都挤满了欢呼的人们。Each phrase was~ed with meaning. 每一句箴言都含意深邃。〖同〗fill,jam,cram,stuff,assemble; 〖反〗unpack,empty;
 (6) (使)成堆 ((cause to)become compacted) [IT+n]:Wet snow~s readily. 雨雪很快成了堆。 Rain caused the loose dirt to~. 雨水使松土变成泥块。The wind~ed the snow against the side of the house. 风把雪吹到屋边堆积起来。
 (7) 携(佩)带,装备有 (carry or part of one's usual equipment) (AmE)(infml) [T+n]:~a gun 携带枪支;weapons~ing nuclear warheads 配有核弹头的武器;
 pack one's bags 打点行装,整装待发:P~your bags and go. 请你打包走人。
 pack a (hardetc) punch (infml) 1)(拳击手)能够猛击:They both~quite a punch. 他两人出拳都很猛。2)作用很强 (fig):That whisky~s a punch.那威士忌酒性很烈。
 pack away (v adv) 收藏起来(vt):P~away your books,children.It's time for a break. 孩子们,把书收起来放好。该休息了。
 pack it in (infml) (尤用于祈使句)结束;停止:I'm tired of hearing your complaints,so just~it in! 你的抱怨我听够了,快打住吧!
 pack in (v adv) 放(抛)弃(vt) :I hate getting up early so I'm~ing in my job. 我不愿意早起,所以我打算放弃这份工作。It's time you~ed gambling in. 你该戒赌了。 (v adv); pack...into... (v prep) 1) 使……挤进(入) (vt & vi):Some 500 people were~ed into the seats. 约500人坐满了座位。2)在有限的时间里做(大量的事) (vt & vi):He managed to~a lot of reading into three days. 他要在三天内进行大量阅读。
 pack off (to...) (v adv) 1)匆忙把……打发走(送往)(vt):I was~ed off to boarding school when I was 11 years old. 我11岁时被送往寄宿学校。2)包装送往:P~these books off to your brother. 请把这些书包好送给你兄弟。
 pack out (v adv) 把……挤满(vt 尤 pass):The hall was~ed out for his lecture. 大厅里挤满了听他演讲的人。
 pack up(v adv) 1)行前把……打包;整理行装(vt)(infml):She~ed up and left the hotel without paying her bill. 她收拾好行李,没付账就离开了旅馆。2)把……收起来放好;收工(vi):It's time to~up.收工时间到了。3)(发动机等)停止转动,出故障(vi):We'd only gone five miles when the engine~ed up. 我们仅走了五英里,发动机就出了故障。4)放弃;不再做(vi):The company will~up and move north.这家公司将要停业北迁。
 →′package n 包装(裹); ′packer n 包装机(工人);′packet n 一束(盒);′packing n包装(物);
 【辨异】packpackagepacketparcel都指包或捆扎在一起的东西。pack指专为背负而包捆的包裹、驮物,如:a peddler's pack (小贩背上的包裹);package parcel packet 相比,package (捆)是较大较重的包,特为搬动而包捆,如:a large package of books (一大包书);packet (小包)指包扎整齐的小包,如出售的小商品、信件等,如:a packet of letters/tea (一包信件/一盒茶叶);parcel(邮包)可泛指小包,特指邮包,如:She received a parcel of clothes from her mother. (她收到母亲寄来的一包衣服。)





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