释义 |
所向无敌所向无前suǒ xiàng wú díall-conquering; be invincible (/irresistible); break all enemy resistance; be ever victorious; carry (/sweep) all before one ❍ 其声势之浩大,威力之猛烈,简直是~的(《毛泽东选集》658) Its influence has been so great and its impact so powerful that it is invincible wherever it goes. ❍ 镇西将军钟会:~,……(《三国演义》1017) General Zhong was called ‘Conqueror of the West’ against whose might none can stand,…/以杨先生的海式咒骂的毒辣,以杨太太天津口的雄壮,以二太太的苏州调的流利,他们素来是~的; 及至遇到张妈的蛮悍,他们开始感到一种礼尚往来,……(老舍《骆驼祥子》43) The combination of Mr Yang’s cutting Shanghai sarcasms,the No. 1 wife’s Tianjin invectives and the No. 2 wife’s fluent Suzhou abuse had been unbeatable until they came up against Nanny Zhang,a termagant who could give as good as she got. ❍ 如今,又含着喜悦的泪花,迎回了当年的新四军——现在,已经是浩浩荡荡,~的中国人民解放军了。(杨佩瑾《剑》61)Now they welcomed the People’s Liberation Army the reinforced New Fourth Army—a mighty,vic torious army,with tears of joy. ❍ 正在这时,他看见李自成已经杀败马科和几员大将,在战场上纵横驰骋,~。于是他留下一部分人马继续围攻刘宗敏,亲率手下一部分精锐将士和洪承畴派来的两千名生力军去包围闯王。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—204) When he saw that Li Zicheng had routed Ma Ke and others of his generals and was charging this way and that without serious opposition,he left part of his force to continue to harrass Liu Zongmin while he himself led picked troops,together with two thousand reinforcements sent by Hong Chengchou,to encircle Prince Valiant. 所向无敌all-conquering; ever-victorious; invincible 所向无敌敌(前)suǒ xiànɡ wú dí所向:指军队所到之处。军队所到之处,谁也挡不住。形容军威壮盛,势不可挡。sweep all before one, break all enemy resistance, carry all before one, be ever-victorious |